Helping Your Child Find a Balance between School and Home Life - Lukeosaurus And Me

Helping Your Child Find a Balance between School and Home Life

*Collaborative Post.

Lots of children struggle to find a healthy balance between school life and home life. Some kids study non-stop and don’t allow for a break, while others hardly try at all. It’s up to parents to help their children find that healthy equilibrium between work and play so that they don’t end up becoming stressed and anxious, or failing at school. Here’s some advice from an independent boys school in Richmond.

Boy wearing a pink shirt and grey waistcoat, holding a book with a shocked expression. For a blog post on balancing school and home life at

Encourage children to prepare a study schedule.

While being keen to study isn’t a negative trait, it can jeopardise your child’s ability to get enough fresh air, exercise, socialisation and sleep. As a result, they may become unwell, which won’t help their academic performance. You could help your child by encouraging them to prepare a study schedule, in which they factor leisure time. Make sure that they know you are proud of them for their dedication, while ensuring they’re getting enough chill time. Children need to socialise with friends and family in order to feel as though they have enough support.

Break up study with extra-curricular activities.

It’s a great idea to encourage your child to join some extra-curricular activities so that they can have a break from their school work, make new friends and learn new skills. However, make sure your child isn’t biting off more than they can chew; they need to be able to rest and get enough sleep. Let them know that they are only human and they don’t have to be switched on 100% of the time to make you proud of them. Remind them that it’s okay to slob out in front of the sofa from time to time, as long as there’s a balance.

Quality family time.

When it comes to meal time, you could suggest a family rule that everyone stops what they’re doing so that you can all eat together and have some quality bonding time. Your child can use this as an opportunity to share what’s on their mind and get some advice, if they need it. What’s more, it just gives them the chance to have a little rest from the books.

Rachael is a 31 year old mum to 10 year old Luke and 5 year old Oscar. She lives in England and writes about family life, crafts, recipes, parenting wins(and fails), as well as travel, days out, fashion and living the frugal lifestyle.

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