Looking forward into 2015, not back on 2014.
It appears to be the last day of December, as well as the last day of the year!
I suppose it’s tradition to jabber on about the highs and lows of the year – discuss what you’ve achieved, regrets, lessons learnt etc – but I’m not going to do that. And Luke can’t do that, although he has achieved an awful lot and I’m incredibly proud of him. I am also proud of myself, but more for surviving than achieving anything of significance.
I shall be seeing in the new year with Netflix. Maybe some films, but more likely I’ll be watching Merlin (because its on Netflix, how exciting is that?!) Maybe a cup of tea, too…how crazy and wild of me?
I may not intend to talk about the past year, but I do have a few goals and life changes I’d like to start in 2015. Nothing major, not the whole ‘lose weight, go to gym, eat healthy all the time’, but a small list of select things that will enhance both my life and Luke’s.
So firstly – my main goal is to read more. As some of you might know, I decided to put this into practice early December and it started with the Hunger Games trilogy. I finished Mockingjay last night and I’m currently suffering a bit of a book hangover. Actually, if anyone can suggest any books of a similar nature, that would be super awesome. I’m currently reading Zoella’s “Girl Online” at the moment, its lovely but very light reading and I’d love anything similar to The Hunger Games.
Secondly, I’d really love to get out and about and into nature more with Luke. My current housing situation and local area makes it difficult. As any mother will know – living in a flat with no lift isn’t easy, especially with nasty neighbours! However, it’s an area of motherhood I really want to address, and since Luke is walking now, I’d really love for him to appreciate nature and how we need to preserve these beautiful areas.
There are a few more little plans, but for Luke and I, these are the main two. I’d also love any book recommendations for 16 month old boys! He has a large collection already, but as far as I see it, a child can never have too many books!
So, if anyone has any book reccomendations for either myself or Lukeosaurus, please leave a comment! Also, let me know your new year’s resolutions. From my little family and me, I wish you all a wonderfully happy new year!