Making plans to redecorate your child’s bedroom
When you have a family with young children, there is going to be a time when you need to tackle the kid’s bedrooms. Whether they have outgrown the childish décor, or the rooms are just starting to look a bit tatty, it can soon become an issue.
But, when you have little kids to run around after, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to get the job done.
There are ways to simplify the process, from getting a bit of expert help, to choosing speedy solutions.

Why do it all yourself?
The first thing to ask yourself is, do you have time to do all the redecoration work involved? If the answer is no, then why not get a bit of help?
You might not need to pay for the whole room to be made over, just the more time-consuming tasks such as the wallpapering or painting.
If you can’t afford the painter and decorators day rates, then consider asking family or friends to help. Two pairs of hands are always better than one.
Quick fixes
If you have more than one child’s room that needs redecorating, it may be worth doing both at the same time. You might find that the upheaval is worth it, just to get it all out of the way at the same time. This means that you only have to go through the pain of ordering supplies once. And you might be able to get deals on the bulk buying of items such as paint.
Don’t be afraid to go for easy options such as throwing down a new rug, rather than recarpeting the whole room. Or painting furniture to give it a new lease of life. Switching light shades and curtains are also quick changes that can be made.
Future proof to save time
When decorating your kid’s bedroom, think about trying to save time in the future as well as now.
Buying a bed? Don’t be tempted to buy a bed that will only be big enough for a few years. Go for a proper-sized single bed. This will only require the duvet covers being updated as they grow older.
Don’t decorate with children’s wallpaper that will look too babyish in a year’s time. That’s a lot of scraping off and redecorating to do again. There’s no harm in painting the walls white and adding large pictures and colourful hangings to the walls to brighten them up. These will be much easier to change a few year’s down the line.