Review & Giveaway: Find My Name In The Alphabet Train
Luke started Year R this September and after only half a term at school, I’ve witnessed his thirst for knowledge surge. In particular, his interest in the alphabet, phonics, reading and spelling has taken me by complete surprise. I did not expect my kid to come home after two or three weeks of school and be able to spell words like ‘sad’ or ‘pot’, let alone come home and start spelling out Mikey’s name for him.
Maybe I haven’t looked into the Year R curriculum as well as I should have, maybe it’s just a mother’s pride, maybe I just don’t give him enough credit…whatever the reason for my surprise, my heart swells when we do his ‘homework’ and his keen interest in reading has only increased with the start of ‘big boy school’.
I received an email one day asking if I’d be interested in reviewing a personalised children’s book. Reading is such a huge part of my life, and I’m keen to encourage Luke to share in my love of books, so I immediately replied with a “yes please!”

Luke finds his name in The Alphabet Train
Dr Niamh has written a personalised children’s book called “Find My Name In The Alphabet Train”. As you’d imagine, the story focuses on letters, sounds and rhymes and fits in perfectly with Luke’s current age, interests and abilities.
Personalisation is an amazing concept to children. If it’s got their name on it, or it looks like them, they will love it! In fact, Dr Niamh states on her website that it’s nine times more likely that your child will engage with reading if their name is written into the story.
Personalising Find My Name In The Alphabet Train
It’s not just the name that is customisable when purchasing a copy of Find My Name In The Alphabet Train though. Your child is also illustrated into the story – Luke always opens the book and immediately sees his picture and points, saying “look Mummy, that’s me and this is my train!” The representative image of your child is designed especially so that your little ones will instantly be able to recognise themselves in the book, with the offer of choice of hair and skin colour and whether or not glasses are worn.
About The Story
This hardback book is 60 pages of bright and colourful illustrations and clever rhyming. At the beginning of the story, your child meets a train full of cute animal characters, who end up taking you and your child on an exciting adventure through the letters and sounds of the alphabet.
The rhyming story is written with phonics in mind, so each character and each letter you meet has it’s own personality. When you meet a new character, you are encouraged to read the letter sounds at the end of sentences and familiarise yourself with the sounds by reading the rest of the page which has words beginning with the same sounds. For example: ‘The sound of this letter’s amazing to say: A a a, said Ant. Make the sound of this letter, let’s play! A a a.’
Luke loves the repetition of the letter sounds and I’ve found it’s been the perfect accompaniment to his learning in Year R so far.
Find My Name In The Alphabet Train offers a unique and engaging way of learning with your child. We’ve enjoyed sitting down together to have a nice cuddle and a read. Luke’s massively enjoyed finding the letters from his name, as prompted at the end of each animal character’s page: ‘…to look for a K that might lurk in his name.’ Luke’s started to point out not only the letters in his name, but he’s also recognising the letters from other people’s names too.

No One Has To Miss Out On The Of The Joys Of Reading
Reading and writing with children is so important and it’s a time of day that I really enjoy doing with Luke. The font used in this children’s book is dyslexic-friendly and has been especially chosen to help every child to read and write – ensuring that no one has to miss out on the joys of reading.
As a parent, I enjoyed reading this book with Luke immensely. It’s magical to watch his little eyes sparkle as he connects the letter sounds and the animals and the words all together. Reading books like this is what childhood is all about – it’s absolutely wonderful.
Find My Name In The Alphabet Train Giveaway
I have enjoyed this book so much and so has Luke. It’s for this reason that I am delighted to say I have the opportunity to give away one hardback copy of Find My Name In The Alphabet Train to one lucky Lukeosaurus And Me reader!
I think that all children in the first few years of school could really benefit and reap the rewards from reading a book like Dr Niamh’s ‘Find My Name In The Alphabet Train’ and that’s why I’m so excited to be able to host this giveaway for one winner to win a hardback copy of the book, personalised for their child.
T&C’s for entering Find My Name In The Alphabet Train Giveaway
- You are entering to win 1 hardback copy of a Find My Name In The Alphabet Train, customisable for your child.
- This giveaway is open to UK residents only
- Entrants must be 18+
- Giveaway opens on 23/10/2017 at 12am and closes 05/11/2017 at 12am.
- I am not responsible for the shipping and handling of your prize. If you encounter any problems, I will help the best I can to get things sorted for you, but I cannot take responsibility.
- The winner will be contacted by email and via Twitter (if you enter your handle in the Rafflecopter widget). For this reason, please ensure the information you enter with is valid.
- If you are prompted to enter a website URL when commenting, please leave this blank if you do not have a blog/your own website (ie. please don’t enter your Facebook account or similar).
- Once the winner has been randomly selected, you will have 1 week to get back in touch with me. Once you’ve replied to me, I will forward your details to the appropriate person who can ship your prize to you.
- If you do not reply after 1 week, I will re-draw and a new winner will be selected.

iain maciver
the gruffalo
laura stewart
my daughter like the peter rabbit books
Claire bayliss
Littlest’s current favourite book is currently the My Little Pony Collection, Applejack’s Busy Day x
Ashleigh Allan
The tiger who came to tea
fiona waterworth
the dinosaur who pooped a planet
We LOVE Burglar Bill!
Andrea Fletcher
We’re going on a bear hunt.
Elmers colours
Kerry Kilmister
Poppy loves The Hungry Caterpillar
Julia Donaldsons Room on The Broom is our favourite !
What The Ladybird Heard
Great blog! Only just stumbled across it, but will be popping back regularly
Claire glace
chicken licken
Angela Treadway
Dear zoo x
A Squash and a Squeeze
Steph at Mental Parentals
My 6 year olds favourite book is Tiddler by Julia Donaldson
Sally Collingwood
The Gruffalo
Clare Thomas
Mog The Forgetful Cat
Lynn Heath
My daughter loves the smartest giant in town
The Gruffalo`s Child
Stephanie Keill
At the minute my son is loving the hungry caterpillar
Hannah Wallington
My daughter loves the gruffalo
Sarah Addey
The hungry caterpillar
Jodie W
Not a night goes by where we dont read ‘How do dinosaurs say goodnight’ with my son
Shaz wilkes
The hungry caterpillar
The hungry catterpolla
G Keegan
Room on the Broom.
sarah morris
The hungry caterpillar as was mine when I was younger!
Ruth Harwood
At the mo we’re reading Matilda and she says that’s her fave!!
Lisa (mummascribbles)
What a fabulous book- Zach has also taken to reception learning and I’m amazed he can spell already! His fave books are the Mr men series! Although he often changes to others! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Karen Hill
The hungry caterpilar x
Helen Stratton
At the moment, it is The Hobyahs, but it changes all the time!
Susan B
It changes from time to time. Started with The Very Hungry Caterpillar but she has now moved on to the Roald Dahl books and particularly likes Matilda.
Victoria Hall
The very hungry caterpillar, all 4 children have loved it
michelle o'neill
room on the broom x
Vicki WEston
Going on a bear hunt
Hannah Rowley
The Gruffalo
sheri Darby
Winnie The Pooh
Sa ma
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Lorraine Stone
Zog and the Flying Doctors
Emma Whittaker
My daughter loves The Stickman
Laura Pritchard
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
Kerry Taylor
We love reading, but our favorite at the moment is ‘Spookyrumpus’. Very fitting for Halloween…
Sarah Austin
The Hungry Caterpillar
Helen Swales
My daughter loves the Spot The Dog series of books, especially Spot Bakes A Cake and Spot Goes on Holiday; they are fun due to the number of flaps and tabs to pull to find Spot but are not ideal for bedtime as she squeals with delight when she finds Spot; we read something calmer at bedtime otherwise she’d never get to sleep.
carol boffey
burgler bill
Rebecca Powell
The Gruffalo
francis lee
my childs fave book at the moment is the BFG
Tracy b
We’re going on a bear hunt at the moment!
Keith Hunt
Five Go Off to Camp
Jeannette @autiSmmumma
What a lovely book, have shared x
Grandson loves any Thomas the Tank books
Rachael Sexey
The velveteen rabbit
Lukeosaurus And Me
Oh that’s a good one!
This looks like a really good idea. My niece loves the ‘Pants’ book – makes her laugh everytime!
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Adrian BOLD
My son loves The Gruffalo.
Danielle pooley
My little boy likes ‘calm down boris’
Carly Belsey
My daughter loves “Calm Down Borris” which is a hand puppet book and my son loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. Thank you, fab giveaway
Tee Simpson
Mine love room on a broom
paula cheadle
I loved Tom Thumb, but my grandkis love the mr men and little miss books
Kim Neville
Pip and Posy and the scooter
Jennifer Baker
The shoemaker and his elves x x x
EJ Dunn
Quacky, Quack, Quack
Zoe Mackie
Bear Hunt
Ben Robb
Winnie The Pooh
Christine Hall
My grandson loves Winnie the Poo
Katie W
The Gruffalo at the moment, although i am trying my hardest to chance it to the Jolly Postman (my favourite from my childhood)
Donna W
Our little boy loves ‘Oi Dog!’ at the moment. He’s not quite 2 1/2 and he’s already memorised the whole thing so that he actually ‘reads’ it to us now!!
Amy Tidd
My daughter loves the gruffalo
Natalie Crossan
Room on the broom xx
Terrie-Ann Wright
I love the Dinosaurumpus, its so much fun for children to read.
Jodie A Green
At the moment my son is 17 months and loves the musical nursery rhyme books hes got
Lia Burns
My daughter loves any books by Julia Donaldson especially room on the broom x