Tips for Matching a Rug with Flooring
Most people have a few types of flooring throughout the home. From carpets or laminate in the living room to tiles in the kitchen and bathroom, it’s always nice to get a variety of flooring types in different rooms.
So, it makes sense that different rugs work well with different types of flooring! For instance, you probably won’t use the same rug in your living that you would in your bathroom, as different styles, colours, and textures are needed to match the different floors.
If you are planning on buying a new rug, you should first think about what flooring the room has. Doing so makes it easier to find the perfect match, resulting in improved aesthetics and a rug that compliments your décor and furniture.
There are a few things to think about when choosing the right rug for your floor type. Colours and patterns are obvious considerations, but the texture and style are just as important to ensure you get a suitable match.
Check out the infographic below from Land of Rugs to see what features to look for in a rug to ensure it matches your flooring! It covers all the most popular flooring types and what works well with them, including laminate, hardwood, tiles, stone, and carpets!
*This is a collaborative post*
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