Tips For Your 2022 Marketing Strategy
Just like in the world of fashion, business marketing trends seem to change constantly. As a result, the marketing strategies you used in 2021 may not be the most effective way to market your business as we head into 2022. As a blogger and a Virtual Assistant, it’s my job to stay on top of marketing trends to ensure I know exactly how to market my services and how to ensure my client’s marketing strategy is on point too. The key to marketing yourself, no matter whether you’re a business, or a blogger, is to understand how to diversify your income by creating content that is relatable and educational. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how you could spruce up your marketing strategy, ready to take on 2022.
*Post contains a sponsored link, all words and thoughts are my own.
Know your audience, and I mean really know them.
There are many ways to work out exactly what your audience needs from you and what their pain points are. If you haven’t researched your audience thoroughly, now’s the time to do it. Use websites like Quora and Answer The Public to find out exactly what your customers struggle with, then provide them with a solid solution.
Use explainer videos to help drive your audience in the right direction, and back these up with social media tools such as Instagram Reels, TikTok videos, and Instagram Grid Carousel Posts. Using quick, easy to digest audio & visual stimulus such as this is a brilliant way to get to know your audience and provide them with the information they need quickly and effiencently.
Get to know your customers face to face.
Searching online and using your imagination to conjure likely scenarios and issues is one way of conducting research into your audience, but another way of gaining an insight into your customers and consumers is to actually talk to them. Once you’ve established your business, you may want to really get deep into the mind of your consumer in order to maximise your marketing strategy. Networking at events is a fantastic way to get your brand out there, mingle with fellow business owners, and find out exactly what your customers need from you.
You need to make sure that your business’s exhibition stands out, that your branding is clear, and that your staff knows their stuff. It always comes back to that famous ‘like, know, trust’ factor, regardless of whether your customers are looking at your work online or face to face. Exhibition Stands need to set you aside from the competition and wow your audience, ensuring your business is the centre of their attention, so make sure to invest in a company that can set you up with a stand that ticks all the right boxes.
Twitter is back on top and is key for generating organic reach.
TikTok was the social media platform for 2020 – 2021, but it looks like this year, Twitter is back on top. With limited characters available per post, you’re going to need to brush up on your ability to hook your customers in with eye-catching and engaging content. There’s no need to waste your character limit with bountiful hashtags, just ensure you’re consistently posting content that your ideal customer/client cares about, and they’ll find you. Try to post daily and start thought threads 2 – 3 times a week. As with other social media platforms, engaging with high authority brands in your niche can help boost your reach and engagement too.
Use your email list wisely.
If your marketing strategy is on point, the subscribers on your email list are likely to be there because they’re interested in what you have to say. If that’s the case, you need to stop writing subpar or waffly emails and start using your subscriber list as another form of market research.
Ask your audience what it is that they want from you – what they want to see more of and what will help them. Make sure you give them specific options, as well as an opportunity to leave their own answers. If your audience knows that the email landing in their inbox on a regular basis is full of useful, entertaining information, you’ll find that your email open rates will soar.
Make sure you’re finding ways to regularly entertain and teach your audience new tricks, as this is what keeps them engaged and coming back for more. Each email you send out to your subscribers must pass these two questions:
- Does it entertain your audience?
- Does it teach your audience?
Consider adding a blog to your website.
In the spirit of educating and entertaining your ideal audience, consider starting a blog on your website to draw in organic traffic and consumers. Blogs are a great way to inform and educate your audience about the product or service you offer, helping to persuade readers who are uncertain about whether or not they want to invest in you, to part with their money and choose your brand.
Blogs can be used to teach your readers new ways to use your product service, share experiences others have had, educate readers on other areas in your niche, and entertain them with anecdotal stories. Best of all, having a blog helps to establish your credibility as an expert in your field.