Top Tips to Become a More Generous Person
We all know that generosity is important, but how many of us can honestly say that we are inherently generous people? Of course, every one does generous things from time to time, but when it comes to incorporating this honourable trait into everyday life, this number is sure to be much lower.
There is a proven link between generosity and happiness – for instance, those who volunteer are, on average, shown to lead a happier life than those who do not. While this may not be true on a case by case basis, statistics don’t lie – generosity can provide a wide-ranging series of benefits to both you and the people around you.
So, this year, why not take the opportunity to make a conscious change and commit to leading a more generous lifestyle? Here are some top tips to help you get started!
It may sound simple, but taking the time to really stop and think about the benefits that generosity can bring to others is a great way to develop your personal understanding of the importance of generosity. Through embracing gratitude and giving to those in need around you, whether it is friends and family, members of your local community or vulnerable people further afield, you will soon find yourself well on the way towards achieving your goal of generosity.
Small Steps
When you first begin your journey to generosity, the road ahead of you can seem like a daunting prospect. After all, surely it takes time, money and dedication to incorporate generosity into daily life, right? In actual fact, there is no reason for generosity to do any of these things. Generosity is approachable and achievable for everyone – you just have to ensure that you are tackling the task in the right way. Start out by taking small steps to get used to the act of generosity – just a smile here and there, helping to carry a pushchair up or down some stairs, stopping for a chat with a neighbour or dropping in to see an elderly relative are all great places to begin.
Of course, many people believe that generosity and donations go hand in hand. Although there are plenty of different ways to become more generous which don’t involve financial contributions, others still prefer to share a percentage of their wealth and distribute their own good fortune among those in need. From dropping some loose change into a charity collection box to buying a hot drink for a homeless person, these small acts can soon add up. If you do want to give to those around you, one of the best ways to achieve this without breaking the bank is to commit to diverting one specific expense to the cause. Whether you set up a regular charity donation or forego your daily cup of takeout coffee to spend the money on those in need, this is a great way to do your bit.
Support and Charity
Across the world, there are millions of people in need who struggle to survive on a daily basis. From the homeless to the hungry, these people need our support and generosity in order to lead a better quality of life – it is your deeds that have the ability to change their lives for the better. Some people also choose to donate in accordance with their faith – a great example of this is zakat, the third pillar of Islam. Whether you choose to donate your time or your money, the far-reaching benefits of your generosity are clear to see.
While it is an admirable way of life, generosity should be a conscious decision you have made as opposed to something you feel obligated to do. Even the smallest acts of kindness can have long-lasting benefits – brightening someone’s day can take just a moment, but it is a great way to instantly spread some joy to those around you.
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