Why Nobody Is Signing Up To Your Newsletter (And What To Do About It)
*Collaborative post.
If you’re trying to make a little money on the side through your blog or store, you often need people to sign up to your newsletters. This way, you can advertise new products and let them know about what you’ve got coming next.

But actually getting them to sign up for regular emails is easier said than done. You can often go for weeks without a new signup, damaging your confidence.
In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons why people aren’t signing up to your newsletter and some of the tactics you can use to get their contact details.
You’re Not Providing A Hook
If you just ask people for their email addresses, they’ll ignore you. But if you promise to enter them into a competition or prize draw, they will be much more willing to expend the effort of communicating their contact details to you.
What’s more, the size of the prize doesn’t even have to be that big. People will usually hand over contact details for the opportunity to win £100. Plus you can keep your competitions running for a long time, increasing their value.
You’re Not Using Pop-Ups
You can also try using pop-up forms to capture names and email addresses. However, whenever you use these tools, make sure that you don’t bombard customers. Instead, present pop-ups once they’ve spent 30 seconds or more on your site and believe that you can offer them real value. This tactic is much more effective than bombarding them with contact detail requests immediately.
You’re Failing To Leverage Your Chat Box
Here’s a super subtle method you can use to obtain people’s information: use your site’s chat box. According to a Click4Assistance provider, you begin conversations with customers asking them to select from a range of answers that could help them in the chat box. You then continue providing answers to their questions before asking for their contact details so a customer service rep can get in touch with them. Most people will hand over their details at this point to get the services that they need, allowing you to add to your email list.
You’re Not Publicising Your Subscriber Numbers
When trying to get people to sign up to your email list, you need to provide them with reasons for doing so. One of the best ways to do this is by using social proof. The idea here is to publicise the number of subscribers you already have and give new website visitors the impression that they’re missing out if they don’t join.
You’re Neglecting To Test Your Approach
Discovering the exact formula that gets people to sign up is always a work in progress. That’s why it’s essential to test every aspect of your email acquisition process. Keep trying different formulas. As you do, you’ll notice that some perform better than others, helping you refine your process.
In summary, getting people to sign up to your newsletter is never easy. But once you make it happen, it can become a real money spinner because you have more people to market to.