4 Amazing Bedroom DIY Hacks
You can turn a cheap bedroom artefact into a fantastic-looking item without breaking the bank. Innovation may be a practical way to express your inner thoughts. How best can you practice your creativity, aside from using your room as a workshop and your showroom? The following tips should help.
Key chain

You might have forgotten about the stack of beads locked up on the upper shelf of your wardrobe. You can choose to revisit the old beads and indulge in an indoor activity to alleviate boredom. A key chain is a typical handy item you may want to try your bead making skills on. You can select beads of various colours and string them together in various patterns to make sure they fit in the design of your choice. The beads will ensure your key floats when it mistakenly falls into a pool of water.
Gemstone mirror frame
You may use your mirror a hundred times a day. Instead of always seeing yourself in a simple plain mirror, you can change the frame into a gem-covered one. You will need a plain white sheet of paper, a pencil, and old pastel or poster colours. Use a pencil to draw different shapes of insects, stones or any preferred objects. Then use the poster colours to paint the shapes and cut them out using a pair of scissors. Apply the coat of glue on the mirror frame and strategically position each cut on it according to your fancy. Don’t throw out the pieces of paper left after cutting out the shapes. You can cut them into crisp tiny bits and use a paper adhesive to stick them on the mirror frame. Allow it to dry gradually with time. You can now hang your self-made gemstone mirror frame on the wall.
Wool patchwork animals
If you love stuffed animals, then this idea is for you. What if you could save money on buying stuffed animals by making one yourself? The only difficult challenge will be choosing the animal you want to make. It can be a dog or cat, provided you are the domestic type. You could also choose a bear or lion if you are on the wild side. You may need a needle, some wool, thread, scissors and fabric. Start by drawing the shape of the animal on the wool. Cut it neatly and sew the pieces together, leaving an opening to fill the animal up. Then fill the hand-stitched animal with as many old clothes as possible. Patch the opened end up and massage the clothes for it to fill evenly in the animal. You are good to go.
Cardboard silhouettes
You may have worried yourself sick about how to give your room a makeover. You can try your hands on cardboard silhouettes since they are considerably cheaper to install. Start by choosing your cardboards, drawing your preferred designs and cutting them out neatly. Then paint all the shapes in a deep colour, preferably black, to create contrast and use glue to stick it nicely on the wall.