5 Screen Free Activities for Children
If like most parents, you struggle to get your child off their devices, you’re not alone. Screen time is a growing issue with children aged 7-16 spending an average of 6 and a half hours a day in front of a screen. That’s over 50% more than what it was back in 1995. So far there’s not very much that we know about the long-term implications of this but what we do know is that anything above an hour can have serious implications for children where their behavioural and mental health issues are concerned. For those under the age of 2, screen time should be very limited (if not avoided), given how vital this stage is in their development. To help you limit screen time without depriving your child of having fun, we have 5 screen-free activities that we’ve come up with alongside a group of teachers.

Visit A Farm
If you’re looking for a way of having a fun time with the children, why not take them to a nearby farm? They will have the opportunity to see them up close, pet them and perhaps even feed them.
Just because the sunshine has temporarily gone away, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get gardening. You can grow plants from seeds at home with the help of your children and pot them once the weather has improved and they are ready to go out.
A Trip to The Park
There’s nothing more exhilarating than being pushed the highest that you can go on the swings. There are plenty of things to do in the park and they are so much more fun than pressing buttons behind a screen.
Get Creative
If your child’s imaginative, why not help them to explore their talents and ideas by crafting together?
Cooking is a very important skill to learn and can be rewarding when you have the chance to taste-test what you have made.