5 Things To Keep You Sane When You Have A Newborn!
Today I am so happy to be featured on the fabulous Raising The Rings blog with my post about trying to stay sane when you’re living with a newborn.
None of this airy fairy rubbish, this post is based on my own experiences of motherhood and I am so glad to have had such great feedback so far! Although I really can’t guarantee your best friend will be hanging your granny pants up for you….
Raising The Rings: 5 Things To Keep You Sane When You Have A Newborn
Caro | The Twinkles Mama
Aaah having a new born is SUCH a learning curve isn’t it? didn’t know if I was coming or going when I had the twins! 😉 #mummymonday
Caro | http://www.thetwinklediaries.co.uk
Take a shower definitely! I found No.2 baby easier as we already had a routine with No.1 having to be ready for school in the mornings. It made life a lot easier.