7 Easy Ways To Get Your Garden Summer Ready
#AD – collaborative content.
Whether you’re a keen gardener or someone who doesn’t quite have the time to devote to it, there’s no denying that sitting in a lovely garden with the sun shining down on you is blissful. It’s even better if you’ve got a glass of gin in your hand!
So no matter your skill set, time constraints or garden size, I’ve put together this guide featuring 7 easy ways to get your garden ready for summer. I hope it’ll inspire you to make a few small steps towards creating your own little summer garden paradise.

1. Make sure you get the right tools for the job.
This is especially important if you’re one of those people who is short on time. Do you seriously want to spend loads of time trying to sort one garden job out when you could have done it twice as fast with the right tool? It’s important that you invest in good quality, highly rated tools to ensure you don’t waste tonnes of money on cheap tools that aren’t effective. Websites like Garden Tool Box offer straight, honest and no nonsense advice on tools and gardening equipment that will make your life a million times easier.
2. Have a tidy up.
During autumn and winter gardens seem to accumulate all sorts of unnecessary bits and bobs. If you’ve got bags of old autumn leaves, the remnants of bonfires, household bits that you wanted to get rid of but never got around to – now is the to do it! Get yourself a friend and do a dump run; having a clean canvas to work with is really helpful and will make the whole process less stressful. This is also a great opportunity to do a bit of weeding so you can plant/sow the flowers and plants you want in bloom during the summer months. Don’t forget that in spring, weeds such as dandelions are our bees main source of food, so don’t go too overboard if you can help it.
3. Mow the grass.
It’s difficult to keep your grass in tip top condition during the winter months because it’s always so blooming wet. When the sun starts to shine and the grass is finally dry, it’s time to get yourself outside and mow the lawn. Another plus side of doing this in the sunshine is that you normally get a pretty decent tan (but make sure you have some SPF protection).
4. Trim the hedges.
If you’ve got fencing then this is something you don’t really need to worry about, but if your hedges are looking a bit wild and rough around the edges, a little go-over with some secateurs or a hedge trimmer will immediately enhance the look of your garden. If your fences are looking a bit peaky, a lick of paint or wood treatment will bring them back to life. Tidying up the perimeters of your garden will make it look much bigger and more welcoming.
5. Sow seeds or plant flowers.
I would encourage everyone looking to spruce up their garden for summer to consider bees and other wildlife when thinking about the type of plants they’re looking to feature. I think planting some nice big blooms that smell gorgeous really adds to the relaxing feeling you get when you’re sitting outside in your garden soaking up the sun. There are lots of bee friendly plants available and you can either plant these in pots or flower beds or you can sow them from seeds if you’ve got the time to tend to them.

6. Update and clean up your garden furniture.
If your garden furniture has seen better days, or you’re thinking about an upgrade, retailers like jbfurniture.co.uk offer a great range of high-quality outdoor pieces. There are always excellent deals on garden furniture, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for bargains. If you’ve already got a great set, give it a wash or treat it with the necessary stain. Mouldy or dirty garden furniture doesn’t exactly make you want to sit there with a drink or invite friends and family over for summer gatherings. Give things like your outside tables and chairs a little TLC and make your garden look way more enticing.
7. Clean your garden equipment.
This ranges from cleaning up and treating your BBQ to giving the garden shed a good clear out. During the summers it’s likely you’ll be using the shed a lot more than usual and you’ll almost certainly be bringing the BBQ out and entertaining! If you’ve got a greenhouse, it’s time to give the glass a good clean and get your pots and tools nicely organised.
These processes can all be done on the lead up to summer, which leaves you with plenty of time to enjoy the sunshine with your friends and family. It’s best to get started on these jobs sooner rather than later because I guarantee you’ll not want to be cleaning out a stuffy shed or scrubbing your BBQ under the blazing sun, or rushing around in a panic to get it all done before guests arrive! You don’t need to spend a fortune or have a complex garden design in order to create your own little piece of heaven, it’s all about making sure your space is uncluttered and inviting. Hopefully I have left you raring to get outside and start laying down the foundations to create a fantastic garden ready for summer.

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Jon Gutteridge
Great advice here. We are just starting to work on our garden for the year but sadly it looks like we are going to have to spend ££££
Lukeosaurus And Me
It’s not the cheapest of projects, is it? :/
Samantha Donnelly
This is something we have been looking at recently, apart from mowing the grass that is all we have done. We are currently looking at ways to make our garden a little more manageable great tips x
Rebecca Smith
I definitely need to mow my grass and give my garden a tidy up ready for summer!
Sarah Stockley
I would love a garden, we live in a flat so don’t have one. If I did I would be in my element, I’d love to grow my own veggies and stuff.
Sabina Green
Great tips. I love getting out in the garden when the weather is nice. We recently painted our fences and it has made such a difference.
Some great tips! I really struggle as we have a small space but will take on a few of these! Thanks!
Fantastic tips! We spent all weekend in the garden getting it tidy and ready for summer, and it looks so much better already!
michelle twin mum
Good tips, I’m not much of a gardener and I have to say I’m very relieved nowdays that I live somewhere that has gardeners! Mich x
Kacie Morgan
I’ve been weeding my garden this week; it’s finally looking less like a jungle now! 🙂
I actually need to start trimming the grass and clear off the leaves that are covering most of my garden. Cool tips.
Laura Dove
Fab tips here. We had artificial grass put down last year so that solved a few issues! I need to pot plants this year. I left it too late last summer!
Lucy Mackcracken
I must admit, I’m not a keen gardener however I do love it when my garden looks blooming and tidy. We’ve recently had a big tidy up and got rid of lots of weeds and it feels so much better already. Hoping for some lovely weather soon to enjoy a BBQ in the garden.
Josie - Me, Them and the Others
Reading this has helped motivate me to get started, now I just need the rain to stop!
Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
We’ve just started to think about the garden this year. We moved the children’s playhouse onto the patio to give us more space on the lawn
Playdays and Runways
We have artificial grass so it just needs a quick hoover and we will be good to go!!
Super Busy Mum
These are great tips and I love having a cute front garden for the summer. I cannot do a STITCH with my back garden {it’s THAT bad} so I put all the love into the front one!
Lots of great tips here! My garden is tiny (more of a patio, really) and we gave it a spring tidy yesterday. It feels so good when it’s all fresh and clean!