Blogger to WordPress!
Woohoo, I have finally made the big move!
Bye bye Blogger, it was lovely blogging with you, but I am ready to take on the big wide world of WordPress.
This change is, of course, going to take some getting used to. So if you come across any borken links, images in strange places, weirdly formatted posts – don’t panic and most importantly, don’t think I don’t care!
Over the next week I’ll be working my way through all my posts so far, tweaking, changing bits and bobs and going over SEO bits. Everything should be a little bit better for everyone!
If you’re after the Toddler In The Kithen or the It’s The Little Things… series’, bare with me! I need to work out how to sort all of that jazz out on WordPress.
Hopefully this doesn’t annoy too many of you and I will work to make it a quick transition (hopefully!)
Thanks for reading!

I keep thinking about this but it makes me so nervous that it won’t work properly! Maybe one day 🙂
Lukeosaurus And Me
Ah, it is a bit scary! I have no idea what I am doing if I am honest, but so far the transition doesn’t seem to have gone too far wrong. I did spend a few hours doing it though lol! xx
Looks great! Well done for making the move! 🙂 xx
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thank you so much!! xx