Enforced Rainy Day Fun
Today I turned into someone I never thought I would become. I became one of those mums. I enforced outside fun in the rain. Enforced fun!
I hated these growing up. Who wants to go out in the rain? Who wants to be forced out? Well quite frankly I’m glad we did!
Luke has been in the foulest of foul moods today. This morning I thought I might be able to curb some of that if he could have a good old run around. I was sort of right, we did have a lot of fun. The park is a ten minute walk from our house and it was definitely raining when we set off, Luke in the buggy and Mummy testing out her brand new Karrimor “mummy coat”! My sister also came along for the walk.
Within five minutes of being in the park, “Cat” was dropped in a very big puddle and I discovered my drink had leaked all through my handbag. Oh well!
Luke was being a proper stroppy one so he didn’t want to follow us or go where we were heading. We went one way around the pond and he started to go the other. Until he saw the huuuuge number of birds on our side!
There was a lot of bird chasing. A lot of “quack quack”ing. A lot of “hello”, “byyyye” and the occasional “STAY!”
None of the birds stayed when he told them to.
We only slipped over twice. He didn’t care about the fact he’d fallen over, only that his hands were dirty. I taught him my favourite trick: just wipe it on your jeans, lad! It seemed to settle him down (we still needed an emergency baby wipe to humour him).
Coming home wasn’t so much fun! In true toddler style, Luke wanted to be carried, he definitely did not want to go in his buggy. About half way home I got so sick of his complaining, I strapped him in and let him get on with it.
The joys of parenting! I find going out with Luke to be enjoyable for the first 15 minutes and then it all goes down hill. I’m sure other parents must go through the same thing?!
But, if you discount the tantrum, it was fun!