We Can Go Camping Again!
*Collaborative post.
Boris Johnson officially announced that as of the 4th July, loads of businesses will be reopening amidst the coronavirus pandemic. One sector of business that is allowed to open the doors to the public once more, with social distancing and hygiene measures in place, is the hospitality sector. That means that not only are hotels and holiday apartments going to be open once more, but campsites will be too!

This is great news for nature lovers.
This is fantastic news for lovers of the great outdoors. If, like me, you long to lose yourself in nature, camping is an amazing way to switch off from the world and relax. It’s not all about tents and soggy dew soaked pillows though. Pitching up a tent certainly has a certain charm to it, but in my experience, nothing quite beats rocking up to your pitch in a campervan or motorhome.
Motorhomes, as the name suggests, are literally homes on wheels and they are amazing! You can explore the world in luxurious comfort and never have to sacrifice a thing, including a nice hot shower. I can’t imagine anything more freeing than owning a motorhome, jumping in and heading out on an adventure, knowing you’ve got everything you could ever want or need right there in the vehicle with you.
Buying your equipment second hand can save you so much money.
Exploring the world by motorhome doesn’t have to be overly expensive either. Although buying a brand new campervan or motorhome can be pricey, companies like The Tottington Motor Co specialise in selling fantastic quality second hand motorhomes. Buying second hand is much more affordable as it will save you literally tens of thousands of pounds. If that’s still not an option, hiring a motorhome and exploring the UK’s dreamiest locations is a more economical way of getting your campervan or motorhome fix.
You can also buy lots of camping equipment second hand to further save yourself money. I have previously purchased tents second hand, gas stoves, tables and chairs. Camping can end up being a pricey hobby, so it’s a good idea to save money where you can, whether you’re planning to buy a motorhome or pitch up a family tent.

Breaking Oscar into camping.
Personally, I am really excited about our English campsites reopening. As far as I am aware, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are delaying the prospect of reopening hospitality sectors for a little longer, so any future camping trips will have to be close to home. That doesn’t bother me at all though as there are some truly beautiful spots near by where we can go and camp as a family and soak up some of what Mother Nature has to offer.
Staying close to home is also convenient for us at the moment as we are yet to introduce Oscar to the joys of camping. The thought of being hours away from home with a 1 year old who won’t settle doesn’t fill me with joy, so a local staycation is just what we need to break him into the hobby slowly.
It’s also good because, although campsites will be open, there are still a lot of other categories of business that won’t be opening any time soon, judging by the looks of things. Because of this, staying somewhere overnight and perhaps visiting the beach nearby before driving home would be perfect for us. Going for a longer camping session further away from home would lead to trouble when we tried to find ways to entertain both the children while many family friendly attractions remain closed.
Camping and COVID-19.
I must admit that I am still very aware of the ongoing pandemic and it does worry me. I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety around COVID-19 and it makes me wonder whether reopened campsites will have much business. If you’re pitching up a tent, you will need to use shared bathroom and shower facilities, which will be a worry for many as you’ve no personal control over the level of hygiene. That is another plus point for having a campervan or motorhome – you have everything you need on board, from a shower and a loo, to a stove on which to cook. There’s no need to use the shared facilities unless you really want to, making it a safer way to go camping during the Coronavirus outbreak.
I’d love to know how you feel about the campsites reopening in England. Are you excited to get outside and enjoy the relaxation of camping once more or are you worried about how Coronavirus might impact your usual fun? Let me know in the comments!

One Comment
Its really great to reach out to the nature and enjoy a sunny day after a long time spending days inside home after all. The people whom enjoys hiking and spends their time outside will be really happy to hear that camping are back in action. Anyway its good that they are relieved from restrictions because how can we afford this type of stifling and depressing darkness without a ray of light. Thanks for your tips for those who have interested because its somewhat more difficult if you are planning for a trip outside this time of pandemic. But a peaceful day with the nature will be refreshing break from this harrowing condition at present.