How to Help Your Child Succeed at School
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As a parent, you play a huge role in your child’s academic success. You are their first teacher and your approval and support with regards to their education is vital. Research has actually shown that children whose parents are involved with their schooling perform better and have a more positive outlook on their education. There are many ways you can support your child, as explored by a private senior school below.

Firstly, it’s important to develop a relationship with your child’s school by meeting with the teachers regularly to discuss the curriculum and your child’s progress. If you have the time, you could even volunteer at the school. The trick is to let your child know that you are completely committed to and interested in that aspect of their life. Don’t miss parent’s evening, either. If your child isn’t keeping up with the other students, it might be an idea to provide them with additional support, whether that be a private tutor or just some useful workbooks.
Make sure that you are always available during homework sessions; just in case your child needs to ask you a question. If they get stuck and no-one is around to help, they’re likely to feel frustrated and give up. On the other hand, if you’re there to offer a helping hand, they will persevere until the homework is complete. Being around during homework sessions will also allow you to monitor your child and ensure they are focussing on the task at hand, rather than watching television or doing something else that will distract them.
Always demonstrate a positive attitude towards school and learning in general. Even if you didn’t enjoy school as a child, speaking about it with enthusiasm will help your child feel more optimistic; not only about the days and weeks to come, but also about their overall performance. A positive attitude towards school will more than likely result in better performance.