Pregnancy: 28 Week Update – Welcome To The 3rd Trimester
Suddenly, I find myself with only 12 weeks of pregnancy left and I am in a mild panic! The 3rd Trimester is most definitely here. This morning I visited my midwife and went through all the usual checks, it was nice because it was the first appointment Mikey had been able to attend, so it meant that today was the first time he was hearing his baby’s heart beat.
Medically, all is well and, thankfully, emotionally and mentally all is well too! I have started to think a little bit about what happens if I have Post Natal Depression again. Having continual mental health problems anyway, plus suffering with PND after Luke has made me start to think about it more and more. It’s not eating away at me, but it’s something that I never thought about when pregnant with Luke so I’m trying my hardest not to let it sit and manifest into a bigger issue. I know that, should I need it, help is there!
After our midwife appointment this morning, Mikey and I used his morning off to do a bit of baby shopping and have a mini date. These days, sitting down in Costa and having a breakfast panini and a coffee counts as a date! It’s my birthday this week too and I know he has something planned for the weekend, so I feel like I’ve done well!
Anyway, on with the pregnancy update!
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28 Week Update – Welcome To The 3rd Trimester
How far along? 28 weeks exactly!
Maternity clothes? Currently I’m living in a few maternity tops and leggings and jazzing the maternity outfits up with accessories, but as the weather is warming up, I think I’m going to need to hit Primark up and buy some maxi dresses. For the heat, I’m really not bothered about wearing maternity clothes, I’d rather just buy something nice and cheap the next size up, rather than spend a fortune on maternity clothes that I won’t get much use from.
Stretch marks? I think I’ve been lucky as I haven’t had any new ones pop up. I have a lot from my previous pregnancy though, so fingers crossed I don’t get any more. I’m still using the Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter and it’s working well to keep my skin soft and elasticated.
Sleep: Ear plugs have been my best friends! I’m sleeping a lot better now that I have found a brand that works for me. Also my pregnancy pillow is starting to come in really handy, which makes sleeping easier. I’m also just so tired all the time that I pretty much just pass out anywhere! I have been taking Spatone to help with my iron levels as a few other bloggers suggested it to me and I’ve felt a lot better since then – I definitely recommend it if you’re struggling with fatigue as it’s safe for pregnancy and doesn’t cause any nasty side effects like tablets do.
Best moment this week: Watching Mikey hear his baby’s heart beat for the first time and getting to chat to the midwife a bit to clear up a few bits. Also doing lots of shopping today and finally managing to cross a lot of things off out “to buy” list.
Miss Anything? Now that the weather is starting to get warmer, I am really finding myself missing gin, wine and beer. I’m not a massive drinker anyway, but as soon as the sun comes out, it just feels natural to grab a glass of wine and relax with your friends.
Movement: Over the past week, movements have been strong and frequent! I can watch my tummy move and feel the baby when he moves around. He seems to really enjoy sitting and squishing my bladder, which I’m finding difficult to deal with when on the school run.
Food cravings: Last time I did an update, I mentioned I was craving fish and chips. Well I learnt the hard way why sometimes we shouldn’t give into our pregnancy food cravings as I ended up giving myself mild food poisoning and vomiting everywhere at 4am. We’ve decided to have no more take-aways until after the baby is born now and I think that’s for the best. I’m not really having any other cravings at the moment – not unless you count gin?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just my mild food poisoning. My Hyperemesis Gravidarum seems to have died down now and I no longer need to take medication often. There is the occasional day where I feel a bit groggy but usually I’m fine.
Gender: We are having a boy!
Labor Signs: The midwife things that he’s head down and he’s very low. I’ve had a few Braxton Hicks contractions but not many.
Symptoms: So much heartburn! It’s horrible and I’m struggling with it. Also, I dribble a lot in my sleep!
Belly Button in or out? In for now, but it isn’t as deep as it used to be.
Rings on or off? Still on for now!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy but I get easily upset if someone is being silly or bloody minded about something. I suppose I go from being happy to being a bit annoyed quite easily and I have had a few rants!
Looking forward to: Finishing off our shopping and then packing the hospital and baby bags!
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A lovely update on your pregnancy. Best of luck to you! #coolmumclub
Lukeosaurus And Me
Aw, thank you so much!
Thanks for the lovely update on your pregnancy. Looking forward to the next one already. #coolmumclub
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thank you so much, I should be doing them more often but there just aren’t enough hours in the day!
I swear other bloggers pregnancies go by SOOO fast! It’ll be no time before we see those ‘he’s here’ posts! Looking lovely, bump envy!
Thanks for linking with #CoolMumCluba nd enjoy these last few weeks…
Lukeosaurus And Me
I swear that 2018 is the year of blogger babies!! I have seen so many pregnancy annoucements and updates over on Instagram! Thank you so much, there is something nice about having a bump, I will miss it when it’s gone!
Loved reading this. Glad your pregnancy is going well for the most part. I suffered with horrendous heartburn both times, I know how much it sucks!
Hope the rest of your trimester goes smoothly xx
Lukeosaurus And Me
Gosh, the heartburn is wicked, isn’t it? When someone says heartburn to you, you don’t think of anything too awful really…but my goodness!! It’s horrible and constant and sometimes strikes me in the middle of the night. I find myself downing bottles of Gaviscon haha!
Rebecca | AAUBlog
yay for a baby boy! Glad to hear the sickness has eased and you’re not on medication anymore – I can’t imagine how rough that would be
Good luck with the last bit, not long now!
Lukeosaurus And Me
Some HG suffers have the sickness all the way up until the birth – I couldn’t begin to imagine the mental and physical strain that must put on a person. I’m considering myself very lucky to have been able to come off medication for the most part!
Emily Leary
What a lovely bump! Glad to hear all is going well and that the sickness has worn off for the most part. I’m so looking forward to reading your next post
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thank you so much!
So glad to hear that everything is going well! Your little one will be here in no time! xx
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thanks! I’m half hoping the next few months fly by but also wishing everything would all slow down a bit!
Emma Raphael
Such an exciting time, make sure you get as much rest as possible while you can. Wanted to say that I only had PND with one of mine too thankfully, so I hope it misses you this time around too!
Lukeosaurus And Me
That’s so reassuring to hear! Circumstances change and I’m sure that your current situation must play a huge role in it all – especially if you’re not feeling supported at home or under too much pressure.
Mellissa Williams
Glad to know its all going well. So many mums have PND, hope you get the support you need when the baby is born. There is help out there so please be sure to get help if you need it.
Lukeosaurus And Me
Definitely! I left everything far too late last time, but retrospect is a wonderful thing and since my first ever diagnoses of anxiety and depression, I have learned that as soon as you feel it creeping in is the time to talk about it.
Micaela Levachyov
I love that you take the time after your midwife visits to do some baby shopping and relax. It’s a nice ritual.
Oh my gosh, I am assuming fish and chips is not good when you’re pregnant? I did not know that definitely need to do some research
Sounds like you’re doing well. Try not to worry too much about the possible PND – it sounds like you’ve got a good support network and you know the signs, so this time you’ll be prepared if it does happen. Just enjoy the quiet before baby arrives. Wishing you all the best
I am so glad your morning sickness has settled down, I have severe morning sickness like you and was signed off work twice for it, unlike you though I had it all the way through, so I hope yours has gone for good now. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning.
Nayna KanabaR
Happy birthday in advance. The third trimester is supposed to be one that is most tiring.Take plenty of rest and try and enjoy your pregnancy.
Gaviscon always worked for me during heartburn. I used to have it a lot during the last trimester and the midwife advised me to get Gaviscon.
I love looking back at my pregnancy updates. Such an exciting time for you and I am glad you are starting to feel better
Kaz | Ickle Pickles Life and Travels
Aawww I loved being pregnant! I suffered with horrendous heartburn with Pickle though. Kaz