interior design of home
Tips & Tricks

Revitalize Your Home with a Refreshing Spring Cleaning Routine

Spring cleaning is an annual tradition and helps you focus on some of the tasks that are not part of your normal weekly or monthly cleaning routine. But these chores can revitalize and refresh your home with just a little effort and the right cleaning materials. 

Carpet Care 

Giving your carpet a deep clean with a good quality carpet cleaner can brighten up the whole room and get rid of any stale odours. Any deeply ingrained stains can also be tackled with an appropriate stain remover. 

If you’d rather not clean your own carpets you can hire a professional to do the job for you. This may be more practical if you have carpet throughout your home as specialists will have the most up-to-date equipment and will work more quickly. Not only will your carpets look and smell better but you will reduce the allergens and bacteria in the fibres. 

Kitchen Cleanup

The kitchen is one of the biggest challenges when spring cleaning. Not only do you have all the cabinets to empty, clean and sanitise but you’ll need to tackle all the appliances including the oven. It’s a universally hated chore but oven cleaning is necessary. 

If you’d rather not face the interior of your oven you can hire someone to do it for you. 

The oven cleaning cost will be around £75 for a professional cleaning service which you may think is a fair price to avoid that particular chore. Those who don’t mind doing it themselves can buy an oven cleaning kit or use some bicarbonate of soda and some old-fashioned elbow grease. 

Deep Declutter 

Spring signals new beginnings which is why so many people choose this time of year to declutter their homes. Perhaps doing a whole house declutter is a bit ambitious so choose an area you know you need to sort out. This could be your wardrobe, kitchen cupboards, kids’ rooms or the garden shed. 

Try to stick to the rule that if you haven’t used something in the last year sell it, donate it or throw it. If there are things in your home that are taking up space but you don’t want to part with then hire a storage unit until you have room to bring them back into the house. 

Duvet Dry Clean 

Changing your bed linen weekly is hygienic but duvets, blankets and throws also accumulate dirt, body odour and stains. Take your duvets and pillows to be dry cleaned or to a local launderette where you can use one of the larger machines. 

Check the washing instructions carefully beforehand and remember to thoroughly dry all bedding before using it again. Not only will your duvet and other bed dressings look and smell great but they will also be free of any allergy-causing dust mites. 

Don’t Forget The Outside

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to stop once you’ve sorted the inside of your home. Take the time to spruce up your outside area by cleaning your exterior walls, tending to your garden, and carrying out important maintenance tasks such as hedge trimming and gutter cleaning.

Take Your Time

Even a small home can take a long time to thoroughly spring clean so don’t put pressure on yourself to do the whole property at once. Work out a plan and stick to it so you can dedicate one or two days to each room. 

It’s better to gradually move through the house and do a thorough job than rushing to get it all finished in a weekend. Chances are you’ll forget something and end up exhausted anyway. Give yourself time to tick off everything on your list then you can sit back satisfied when you’ve completed all your spring cleaning chores. 

Rachael is a 31 year old mum to 10 year old Luke and 5 year old Oscar. She lives in England and writes about family life, crafts, recipes, parenting wins(and fails), as well as travel, days out, fashion and living the frugal lifestyle.

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