Finding A New Place To Live
It has always been my plan to move away from Hampshire some day. It’s lovely place to live and there’s lots of attractions in the county, however in my particular area it’s also very, very expensive. It’s no secret that the end game involves buying a house and living happily ever after; we just need to figure out where that will be!
On our epic search for a place to live, we have thought about travelling around the UK a bit more and enjoying a few staycations.
There’s so much to consider when moving away, especially as we want to minimise our expenditure by making sure that the place we choose is the place that we bed down in for a good few years. There’s no point spending money on moving somewhere, only to find after a year that we want to move somewhere else.
We’ve considered most areas in the UK, but it’s not just money that we need to think about. There’s things for the children to consider. Such as whether the school’s are good, the opportunities available through said schools, the links between those schools and the local colleges, or even their sixth forms. We have to think about job opportunities as well. My boyfriend works in the motor industry, so we need to either be able to transfer from our branch to another branch, or find another company that has a compatible pay with the housing price in the area.
Then there’s all the other usual stuff: crime, what the local attractions are, housing price, potential changes to the area etc. We’ve considered lots of places already, from South Wales to Chichester. No matter where we move, someone will always be upset that we have moved further away from them or closer to someone else.
I never realised there would be so many extra factors to think about that are a bit more personal. We don’t want to upset people but at the same time, we want to do something that works for us as a family.
Of course, all of this is years away yet! We need to sort out our credit scores, somehow save for a mortgage and then do some serious thinking about places we could see ourselves settling down in. There are other reasons not to move away just yet too. I like living near my family, especially while the children are so young because it gives me a little support network which I desperately need. I’m also rubbish at making new friends because I’m so anxious!
So I suppose my questions are:
Has anyone else ever packed up and moved away for a fresh start somewhere new?
If so, what were the considerations you undertook?
How did you deal with leaving family and friends behind?
Most importantly, if you moved away from your local area, how on earth did you decide where to go?
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