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Getting your home winter-ready

As winter starts to draw near and the nights get longer (and darker), the comforting thought of snuggling up in your warm home can start to feel a little more enticing than hitting the pub. But to truly enjoy the season and make it to Christmas without feeling the pinch of old Jack Frost, it’s vital to ensure your home is prepared for the end of the old year and the start of the new one. 

So, here are five steps you must take every autumn before the winter chill truly sets in!

ceramic cup on table near radiator with books
Photo by Skylar Kang on Pexels.com

Boiler check

There’s nothing quite as chilling (mentally and physically) as finding yourself in the depths of winter with no central heating. The fact is, however, that you’ll be putting your boiler through a lot more pressure as it gets colder and that means it’s more likely to break down, particularly if it’s a little on the older side and hasn’t been serviced for a while. So, do yourself and your boiler a favour and get it serviced now before the mad rush begins. By ensuring your boiler is operating optimally, you’ll also not just guarantee warmth but could also save on your energy bills too.

Radiator review

A radiator isn’t just something you turn off and on and hope for the best; it needs a little love and attention once in a while. Periodically bleeding your radiators ensures that any trapped air is released and by doing this, you’re more likely to get a consistent and effective heating source.

Address the draughts

Cold draughts can be more than just an inconvenience. Indeed, enough of them together can add up to a freezing cold home. Windows and doors are the usual culprits so a thorough inspection is in order. Identify any gaps or cracks and seal them however you see fit. It might seem like a small thing but it genuinely makes a difference.

woman reading book against window at home
Photo by George Milton on Pexels.com

Check external pipes

Your external pipes can really bear the brunt of the cold weather, particularly if they’re not properly insulated. Freezing pipes can lead to blockages, or even worse, bursts so invest in proper insulation to save you from a world of hassle (and flooded kitchens) later on.

Garden maintenance

While you might be inclined to ignore the garden during the colder months, a bit of maintenance can go a long way. Summer accruements like loungers and garden toys should be stored away to prevent wear and tear and all outdoor lights should be checked regularly because coming home on a cold night to a well-lit pathway can make all the difference.

Winter, with its notoriously chilly days and frosty nights, can be incredibly demanding on our homes, particularly in the UK! But with a little foresight and a lot of preparation, it’s perfectly possible to create a cosy sanctuary from the nasty weather outside. So, whip out those blankets, brew up some hot chocolate (with a dash of whisky, perhaps), and here’s to a warm(ish) and wonderful winter!

*Collaborative post.

Rachael is a 31 year old mum to 10 year old Luke and 5 year old Oscar. She lives in England and writes about family life, crafts, recipes, parenting wins(and fails), as well as travel, days out, fashion and living the frugal lifestyle.

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