New House Shopping Spree
Collaborative Post.
We move into our new house at the end of the week! We’ve had a few hiccups trying to get this far, but I received some good news today regarding school places which means that everything should now just slot into place. It feels like everything is happening at once and I’m finding it all a bit overwhelming, but hopefully now that the bigger tasks have been completed, things will start to slow down a little. So now that most of the ‘life admin’ is completed, I can get on with the exciting stuff – buying things for the new house!
Although there’s quite a lot of things I want to buy for the new house, I’m also keen to save as much money on my purchases as possible. I plan to buy second hand where I can, use cashback sites and use bargain websites such as UK Deals a Giveaways to help me find the best deals on items.

New house essentials.
We actually already have a list of ‘essentials’ that we need to get. This includes things like a full length mirror, a wardrobe for the boy’s bedroom and a new TV. The mirror and wardrobe we’ll probably try and pick up second hand from Facebook Marketplace or eBay. There’s no point buying these things brand new when there’s so many available secondhand. As for the TV, I know it doesn’t sound like an essential, but our current TV is a 50” plasma TV and it burns through electricity like there’s no tomorrow. It’s also on its last legs, so upgrading to a nice shiny LED TV should save us a decent amount of money in the long run.
Soft furnishings.
Our sofa cushions have definitely seen better days, no thanks to those pesky house rabbits. The cushions have little holes nibbled in them, so we need to sort those out. I might buy some new scatter cushions, meanwhile I will try and repair/create new cushion covers for our current sofa cushions. It’ll be a good excuse to get the sewing machine out – I’ve not had time to practice with this as much as I’d hoped, so it’ll be a nice little project.

I’m a huge comfort fan, so I love a good sofa blanket. Currently we don’t have a designated area where we keep the blankets for the living room and they just end up all over the place, which looks really messy. Now that we’re going to have more space, I’m really keen for everything to stay as tidy as possible, so I’d love some proper storage for things like the blankets and miscellaneous kids toys.
Kid’s bits.
Obviously you can’t have a boy’s bedroom without a few personalisations. We’ve already picked up some Star Wars themed canvases for their walls, but I’m under no doubts we’ll be needing other things too. It won’t be long until Oscar finds himself in a toddler bed, so we need to pick up extra bedding for him and both kids need new clothes. I’ve seen there are loads of good baby deals and kids deals available online, so I will definitely be checking those out.

Garden bits.
We’ll have a garden for the first time ever too, so we want to get it kitted out. Obviously the Mister is thrilled by the fact that he can host BBQs. As we’ve never had a garden before, we’ll have to buy a few bits to make it more usable. We need to pick up some garden furniture and we’ll be getting a little pop up goal post for Luke as he loves a good kick about. As time goes on we’ll sort out having a few outdoor pot plants and making the place look prettier. Thankfully someone’s giving us a lawnmower, so that’ll save us having to buy one. We also need to build or buy an outdoor rabbit run for Luna!
Getting these things one by one.
After we’ve moved in a settled, we’ll start figuring out how to get all of this sorted. I don’t want to pile on the pressure and add even more to our list of things that we need to do, so ticking these items off one by one seems like the best option for us. Thankfully we’re in the position where nothing is really needed immediately. We will have the time to source the best deals and save the maximum amount of money possible. We’re all about saving money, especially now that we’ve started planning our wedding.
Once we’re all moved and settled in, I’ll be back! I can’t wait to update you on house bits and wedding bits as things develop.

One Comment
Gazi/ Best Products House
Hello Rachael,
The photo with the coffee cup says that you are a coffee lover and drinker. Though you didn’t mention, I just asking you, do you have any coffee machine in the kitchen of your new house?
I am a huge coffee lover and can’t be thinking of a kitchen without a coffee maker. By the way great greetings for your wedding in next year. Best of luck and waiting to hear your updates,
Thanking you