5 Cheap, No Hassle Halloween Party Games For Kids
Whether you’re hosting a big Halloween party for a group of children, or just having a nice family party with your kids, a party isn’t a party without games!
I’m going to be hosting my own little party for myself and Luke this Halloween. Along with some spooky snacks and some magical music, we’re going to be playing some great games.
I’ve put together a selection of Halloween themed party games that are perfect for kids, or the whole family, to play. The key thing to remember here is that, as usual, we are on a budget! My aim here was to provide some inspiration for cheap and cheerful Halloween party games that are guaranteed to thrill without breaking the bank.
5 Cheap, No Hassle Halloween Party Games For Kids
3-in-1 Halloween Party Game
First up, I have our very own 3-in-1 Halloween Party Game. Luke and I made these over half term. This game is really fun to make as well as to play. Grab yourself a ping pong ball and you can use these little ghosts to play the traditional Tin Can Alley game, Bowling and Keep Your Eye On The Ball.
Apple Bobbing
Is Halloween even Halloween without apple bobbing? You can’t get any more low tech, cheap and cheerful than filling a big tub full of water and chucking in some apples. For added effect, you could peel and carve spooky skulls into the apples or add some gelatine/jelly to the water to make it a bit more gloopy.
Halloween Bingo
Halloween Bingo is another great idea and one I hadn’t even thought about before. It’s so simple and easy. Simply print off a bingo printable like this one (which comes with the character cards too), or create your own using a free image editing software like Canva.com. Alternatively, you could turn it into a Halloween Hunt, a Halloween themed scavenger hunt and search around the house for the items on your list – the winner gets a chocolatey prize!
Pumpkin Decorating
Decorating mini pumpkins – you just can’t go wrong. Those tiny pumpkins are usually dirt cheap, normally around the 50p mark. If you’ve got a lot of children around for the party, setting up a pumpkin decorating station will keep them all busy. Crack open the craft supplies and the glue and let their imaginations take over. If the children are a little older, you could switch this out for a mini pumpkin carving station.
Mystery Food Boxes
Finally we a game that’s guaranteed to freak your little ones out. Lose yourself in the sensory experience of Mystery Food. Grab a blindfold and a selection of foods, such as spaghetti for brains, and get squelching. Guess what creepy Halloween themed item you’re touching!
I hope this list has given you some inspiration on how to host a great kids Halloween party from home on a budget! There are so many possibilities and, as a child, Halloween is all about dressing up, using your imagination and having fun. One last remark comes from Jess, who gives some excellent advice on her blog about how to host a Halloween party from home: “Don’t stress if no one wants to play games or so the crafts you have planned. Remember they are children and they will be happy just running around.”

These games look really cool! Halloween parties are so much fun!
Beth @ BethinaBox.com
These are great ideas! I can’t believe Halloween is tomorrow! We have a 4.30 hospital appointment so there won’t be much time for anything once we get home.
Lukeosaurus And Me
Oh dear! I hope everything goes well. To be fair, I take the approach that the whole week is Halloween week, so we will probably still be celebrating later on in the week. 🙂
Great game suggestions, these! I love Halloween parties and I’m sure my kids would love these games. 🙂
Great suggestions, I will bear them in mind for next year! #twinklytuesday
Love the idea of a mystery food box!xo
Ger ( It's Me & Ethan)
These are brilliant ! Such simple ideas with lots of fun ! Only sorry I didn’t read this sooner ! There’s always next year !
Nicole - Miss Sparkle
I love decorating pumpkins. I can imagine that kids will love it!
Lukeosaurus And Me
It’s really fun!
Angela Milnes
These are fab ideas for Halloween. We love this season and did some amazing things at our home this year. It was fantastic. Thanks for sharing your game ideas.
Lukeosaurus And Me
Aw that sounds so great – I hope you enjoyed your Halloween!
Lisa (mummascribbles)
Such a lovely idea! Hope you enjoyed your Halloween 🙂 Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thank you!
These are brilliant ! Such simple ideas with lots of fun
Hayes Thomas
The mystery box looks interesting. Gonna try this for the next Halloween.
Lukeosaurus And Me
It sounds like fu, doesn’t it? 😀
Typical Mummy
Fab! The Mystery Food Boxes have reminded me that this is something my mum used to do with us when I was a child! She also got us to taste things too whilst blindfolded and try to guess what it was …both nice tastes and not so nice!! #KidsandKreativity
Lukeosaurus And Me
It’s the perfect game for Halloween, I reckon!
Apple bobbing, I could never do that lol #kidsandkreativity
Lukeosaurus And Me
Haha it is a tricky one!
Naomi Oikonomou
This is great, every year we get invited to a whole bunch of hallowe’en parties. but I’ve never been brave enough to host my own. If I did all of these would be included! #KidsandKreativity
Love the look of these games. Sounds like you are going to have lots of fun this Halloween. #KidsandKreativity
Great ideas. We have a big halloween party each year and I love it! I’m always on the lookout for more games and activities to do. Thanks again for linking up to #KidsandKreativity
Sonia Bilton
These games look really amazing! Halloween parties are so much fun!
Thanks a lot!