20 Safe Places For Children To Hide Painted Rocks
Painted Rocks, Hidden Rocks, Kindness Rocks – whatever you want to call them, they’re everywhere. Move over fidget spinner, the new craze of painting and hiding rocks is way cooler, healthier and way more exciting.
Not only does it allow children to express their creativity and spread kindness, it also gets the whole family together, ensuring some quality time gets made for everyone and you all get out of the house a bit more too. Winner winner, chicken dinner.
So you’ve got the craft kit out and created your master pieces. You’ve sprayed them with some form of vanish (yacht vanish is most often recommended as it’s cheap and waterproof) and they’re all dry and ready to hide. But where do you hide them?
Where To Hide Painted Rocks With Children
In or around tree trunks
At the base of trees
Peaking out of any nooks or crannies in tree bark
Resting on low lying branches (make sure they won’t fall off an land on anybody!)
On or resting just under any fallen logs – make sure they poke out a little so people can see them
At the top of the slide
In the jungle gym/playground equipment
Under park benches
Near the toilet block
Near the entrance gates to the park
Shop windows/outside shops
On the ride-on toys outside shops/in shopping centres
In the children’s section of the library
On the way to school
Small alley ways in your local town
Low public walls
Pebbly river banks
Poking out from underneath public, safe shrubbery
Along the footpaths in your local park
- On top of public gate or fence posts
Note: when painting and hiding rocks, please make sure you don’t take anything that isn’t yours, hide rocks on privately owned land or add things to your rocks that may not stay there (glitter, stickers, pom poms etc).
Wherever you are, whether it be rural or urban, there’s always somewhere to hunt down or hide these gorgeous rocks. Hopefully this post has given you some inspiration! If you have any more hiding spots you think would be great for children, let me know in the comments.

Ah this is such a cute idea, I can imagine children would love to do this, it’s so creative and fun! x
When we first found rocks at our local playground I wondered what on earth they were for! But they are a great idea – both for craft/art and that time spent together. My kids prefer to look and rehide them though we haven’t seen any in the past few months. Might get the kids making some for our backyard over winter though?
Great ideas – my daughter was so excited when she found a painted rock in our local farms sand pit 🙂
What a fun idea. My children love painting rocks too
Natasha Mairs
we love hiding painted rocks!! I just need to find some more nice smooth ones so we can paint some more
Oh I love the idea of this. I’ve painted rocks with L but he refuses to give them up!! #coolmumclub
We play lots of games with our painted rocks and stones. We’ve never actually hid them before. Great idea
Cath - BattleMum
I hadn’t heard of Hidden Rocks until now but love the idea. These are places I’d think of hiding them. I must see if our son would like to start doing this. It’s like geocaching for kids.
I just love the idea of hiding rocks and have pinned this for a later date!
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub
Sarah Bailey
These are some great ideas I know there is a group of the local city where people say when they have hidden some and people can share what they have found. It seems like such a lovely idea.
Rhian westbury
This is such a cute idea but I had no idea that kids were hiding them places around x
Yeah Lifestyle
These are great suggestions on where to hide the stones. We love going for long walks now as the kids are so excited about them finding new stones and don’t complain as much as they used to.
I’ve seen some painted rocks in the park, I like the fact it encourages children to do something giving.
We’ve been spotting these rocks when we’re out and about. They never fail to bring a smile to our faces 🙂
The London Mum
We found one of these rocks the other day and promptly hid it again 😉
Samantha Donnelly
What lovely ideas, I haven’t found any yet but will be looking harder next time I am out x
Mine are obsessed with finding these rocks and then rehiding them – we really ought to make some of our own
Alison Rost
I first heard of these rocks last year and I am amazed! I think it’s a brilliant idea and it’s also nice to get the kids involved especially this summer when they have the free time!
Alex Gladwin
How lovely is this whole idea!? My boys would love to be involved in something like this. Great ideas for places to hide them too. x
I’ve spotted a few of these out and about recently, now I know what they are for! What a lovely idea for kids to get involved with and a great list of safe places they can hide them!
my aunt has been doing this with her toddler and she’ll love this post! such great ideas 🙂
MudpIe Fridays
This has become a total craze hasn’t it! I really support it as it gets the kids outside and away from screens! Fab ideas here – we have a local Facebook page which gives parents a lot of ideas where to find them too x
I love this new craze! I really want to get my son to paint some rocks and make an adventure of hiding them, he would love it!
I’ve heard a lot about these painted rocks recently. Such a fun idea!
Kaz | Ickle Pickles Life and Travels
I love this and your ideas – thank you. I really must paint some with Pickle. Kaz
You have such great ideas. I’ve never actually heard of this painting rock trend before, so thank you for sharing.
I love this idea, so many good hiding spots! I would love to do this with my future children:)
Ashleifh doUgherty
I love the idea of paInted rocks being left in tree trunks for someone to find one day!
Manco Painting
Great ideas!