Paper Plate Handprint Keepsake
Hi everyone,
If you follow me on Pinterest, you’ll know I have a real obsession with two types of crafts: toilet roll crafts and paper plate crafts.
Paper plates are incredibly cheap to buy and have so many crafty uses – they’re definitely worth purchasing next time you’re in your local supermarket or pound shop.
A few weeks ago, while we were making this awesome Dragon Mask/Puppet (which wasn’t quite a Pinterest Success!) we decided to make a few keepsakes.
I know it’s really nice to go to your local Ceramics Cafe or make your own salt dough for this type of keepsake, but this one is incredibly cheap, looks clean and cute and will last an age (so long as it doesn’t get wet!)
We have ours hanging on the wall behind our TV, along with a few other family photos and Luke’s 1st birthday card from his Great Grandpa.
Handprint crafts are the best in my opinion. They’re easy and fun to do with children of all ages, they can be made into almost anything with a little imagination (animals, trees/nature, faces etc) and they make great gifts for family and friends – especially the grandparents!
What are you favourite keepsake crafts?

A lovely keepsake! I love to keep and handprints and foot prints we do! We love paper plates too, did you see my 20 things to do do with a paper plate post? http://wp.me/p5Ij0J-11 It was one of my first posts! 🙂 xx
Lukeosaurus And Me
I have loads of various hand and footprint art works dotted around the house as well! I went through a few the other day, it’s crazy to see how fast they grow!! They’re really one of the top keepsakes! NO! I hadn’t seen it but I am definitely going to give it a share and Pin It. Just had a little read through and there are a few things I’ll be trying out with Luke. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, lovely. xx
Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks
Oh I love this!!! And I also love the idea of framing special cards, why have I never thought of that??? X
Lukeosaurus And Me
Aww, It was the hares from Guess How Much I Love You, which is basically the most charming and lovely special book in the whole wide world, so I HAD to frame it! Also, his great grandpa is 92 so I really wanted to keep it special! 🙂 I’m glad you like the keepsake idea, thank you so much for stopping by honey! xx
What a good idea! You could easily do one every month and keep them forever! I’m definitely doing this with my next baby. Alex x #ToddlerApprovedTuesday
Lukeosaurus And Me
Yes you could, that would be such an amazing keep sake. Maybe somehow you could hole punch each one for every month and make a little paper plate booklet for each year. 🙂 xx
Lisa (mummascribbles)
This is so cute! It’s amazing how simple a thing paper plates are. We haven’t really experimented yet as Zach has only been really interested in using paintbrushes but I am working at making his craft box up so I shall make sure I add paper plates to it! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
Lukeosaurus And Me
Paper plates and loo rolls are great 😀 You can do so much with them and often not a lot of preparation is needed. 🙂 Plus, they’re hella cute! Good luck with the craft box, you should blog about it and tweet me, i’d be interested in reading! 🙂 xx
I love hand and footprints for smaller babes, for the first 18 months of Ts life we made hand or footprint cards for literally everyone! I love how you can keep making these but they don’t take up too much space.
Great activity!
Thanks so much for linking up to #toddlerapprovedtuesday this week x
Lukeosaurus And Me
Yes, they’re so great and a little bit of an obsession of mine. They’re perfect gifts as well, so I just keep making them and making different animals etc with them. Thanks for hosting, lovely xx