Quick Update
Recently, life has been very hectic in the Lukeosaurus house hold.
Luke has been very poorly, he’s had a fever and wanted nothing at all other than mummy cuddles and the Twirlywoo’s on Cbeebies. Having a poorly toddler is hell! I have been sat, more or less in the same position, 12 hours a day for the last four days. That doesn’t bode well for a mummy with back pain issues.
My OH has also been in the wars a bit! He has been in hospital for a lot of this week having lung and heart problems. Problems that are horrible to watch him go through and doctors who don’t know what’s wrong and refuse to investigate any further – despite having him on an oxygen tank for 24 hours and his resting heart rate sitting at 120.
I could write an essay on all of this and how I feel about it and how upset and angry I am. Also how exhausted I am! But I won’t!
I’m just writing this to say:
I am still here! It has been a long week and I have LOADS of catching up to do!
Thanks for bearing with me, blogverse.