Sparkly Fish Craft (Paper Plate)
We’re all fish fans in this household and that definitely does not exclude Luke. The first word he learnt after mum and dad was fish, probably due to the huge goldfish tank we have in our living room. (My second love!)
It makes sense, therefore, that one of the themes we enjoy working and focusing on frequently is the ocean/sea theme.
This beautiful paper plate craft was very easy to set up and doesn’t require too much in the way of preparation. I just drew the basic shape, put some paint and a huge variety of brushes and sponges out, along with a few foamy shapes (which he ended up ignoring, the same as the chalk) and let Luke get on with it.
All you’ll need is:
One paper plate
Black Sharpie/felt tip pen
Paint, we used paint with added sparkles!
What to do:
Cut out a ‘v’ shape from the paper plate. The cut out serves as the fishes mouth and the extra piece makes the fish’s tail fin.
Draw on fish scales and an eye on black pen.
Let your little darling loose with the paint. Remember to paint the tail!
Wait for everything to dry, use glue or tape to stick the tail fin on.
We used a variety of paint brushes to decorate our fish. Luke really likes the big spongy brushes and much prefers them to normal paint brushes. They also leave a really nice imprint on the plate, which I must admit is very ‘scale like’.
We also used another paper plate as the paint pallet. You’ll see why in our next crafty post. (We don’t like waste in this house!)
If you fancy giving this craft a go, please tweet me on @gloryiscalling and let me know how it went.
If you’re a big crafter like us, let me know your favourite ocean themed crafts and activities as I’m always on the lookout for new and exciting things to try!
West Essex Mums
What a great idea for a simple but really sweet craft project
I love these so much!!!! I think I might do them with T as I think he’d enjoy them.
We have a few ocean activities on the blog, just look under BOO BOX OCEAN xx
Thanks for linking to #toddlerapprovedtuesday sorry my comment is so late this week! x