Understanding STEM subjects
*Collaborative post.
As STEM subjects become the future of learning, children will slowly become more versed in these subjects and how they will be used in daily lives.
In this blog from this girls prep school in London, we take a look at what STEM means and how it’s of benefit to your child.

STEM stands for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics – all core subjects that children should develop through life. All four subjects also entwine with each other and one subject effectively benefits the other. Here are the four subjects spoken about in more detail:
The umbrella term usually covers its 3 main subject areas in school: Biology, Chemistry and Physics. For school children they’re able to discover three strands of mainstream science and how your child grows to become interested in them.
Children understanding how televisions, phones, appliances and tablets work will give them a level of competence in using tools. It also allows them to understand more about the world, as technological advances happen almost every day! Children will also be thankful for science bringing them some of the most successful technological tools.
It’s not all about how the ways cars work and operate, but it also includes ways that can be used in mechanics, technology and for scientific developments. Showing children the way engineering is used will give them insight in how many of life’s devices work.
Summing all these subjects together requires equations, analysis and problem solving. It does mean that a lot of children learning about maths in class can often apply their learnings to science lessons as well.
With STEM subjects, children can learn a multitude of skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and learning to be able to work independently or within a team to work on tasks. Booking a home tutor can also vastly improve your child’s understanding of these core STEM subjects. It also promotes social and emotional development between students, promotes more ideas within groups and also benefits the future generation of workers.