How To Update Your Wardrobe For Spring
Winter is almost over – thank goodness! Don’t get me wrong, I love the excitement of Christmas and all the fun winter activities that come with the season, but I am definitely ready for warmer weather, bright colours, and sunnier days.
I’m also so ready to update my wardrobe! I’m bored of wearing my winter clothes now and, as the weather in the UK is in that horrible stage where it’s freezing in the mornings and warm in the afternoons, it’s definitely time to ditch the big winter coats and opt for some lighter pieces.
So, if like me you’re ready to update your wardrobe for spring, keep reading for some of the best transitional tips.

It’s time to ditch the heavy coats and dark colours.
I’m not suggesting you replace all your dark-coloured clothing as we transition from winter to spring, but it’s definitely worth cutting back on some of the darker pieces – along with the hats and scarves – in order to make room for lighter and brighter clothes within your wardrobe. The same principle applies to thick, heavy winter coats. You may be reluctant to let go of your winter coat, but when you’re looking to update your wardrobe for spring, it’s one of the first steps for creating more space to see what you’re working with.
Here at Lukeosaurus and Me, we never throw clothes away and we’d urge you to do the same. If you’re keen to wear things next winter, place them in storage (under bed storage is a great option for keeping clothes safe until next year). If you really can’t see yourself wearing a piece again, try gifting it to a friend, taking it to a charity shop, or even selling it online.

Take stock of the clothes you have left and plan ahead.
When you want to update your wardrobe for spring, it’s no good just blindly purchasing clothing in the hopes that you’ll magically have some great outfits. Instead, you need to take stock of the clothing you have left and plan for the season ahead. By doing this, you avoid purchasing unnecessary items, thus helping to avoid contributing to the fast fashion industry, you save money, and you’ll have a well thought out wardrobe that works for you, no matter the weather or your style.
When you’ve planned your wardrobe ahead of time, you’re more likely to know exactly how to wear the piece you’ve got and you’ll be more likely to wear them, rather than purchase more. For inspiration on the latest fashion trends, you can check out fashion experts such as Wholesale21 for the latest looks and styles.

Jazz up your outfits.
It’s not all about clothing when you update your wardrobe for spring; you need to think about footwear and accessories too. Changing up your choice of accessories or footwear with your outfits can create a whole different look, thus enabling you to get more out of your wardrobe.
Spring is all about growth and colour, so adding a pop of vibrancy to your outfits is a great way to update your wardrobe for spring, even if you’re a lover of dark/black clothing. Check out online stores for shoes to get the best deals on new footwear for spring, and try mixing and matching colourful accessories or sparkly jewellery to add that little extra something to your outfits.

Think about your fabrics.
As I mentioned earlier, in the UK spring is famous for those chilly mornings and warm afternoons. This means that when planning to update your wardrobe for spring, you need to think about your fabric choices. Opt for light, breathable fabrics that will help you to comfortably transition from the morning chilliness to the sunny afternoons without leaving you desperate to shed layers.
What’s your favourite way to update your wardrobe for spring? Let me know in the comments.
*Collaborative post