Health and Beauty,  Lifestyle

Vegan Revive Collagen Review

You may remember that I have previously reviewed some of the premium liquid collagen products from the British company, Revive Collagen, on the blog before. If not, head over to my Revive Collagen Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Drink Review to read my thoughts on their Marine Collagen drink. The lovely people at Revive Collagen have once again contacted me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing one of their new product ranges, and of course, I had to say yes!

Today I am talking about the Vegan Collagen drink supplement from Revive Collagen. As part of the Revive Collagen review, I’ll be discussing the selling points that the Vegan collagen drink boasts and sharing my own experience of the collagen drink. So, let’s get started!

About Revive Collagen

Before I get started on my Vegan Revive Collagen review, I wanted to first introduce the brand and product a little bit.

The Revive Collagen brand was born when co-founder Samantha Faiers decided it was time to start taking her skincare more seriously. She discovered the wonders of collagen and decided to create a product that would not only help to slow the skin’s natural ageing process, but also benefit her hair, nails, and reduce breakouts. She set her mind to developing an exceptionally effective product that helps stimulate the body’s natural collagen production. Her work seems to have paid off as the Revive Collagen drink sachets are packed with collagen and boast an impressive 90–95% absorption rate.

What is collagen and why do we need it?

Collagen makes up nearly 80% of our skin and is naturally produced by our bodies. However, as we age, our natural collagen production slows down, resulting in our skin losing its elasticity. It’s due to the slowing down of our natural collagen levels that our skin starts to develop wrinkles and loses the ability to ‘bounce back’.

Our bodies start to naturally decrease collage production when we are in our early 20s.

A crazy fact that I didn’t know until I was first introduced to Revive Collagen is that our collagen levels actually start to decline once we reach our early 20s. I always assumed that the skin’s ageing process started much later in life, but it turns out that from our early 20s, our natural collagen levels start to decline at a rate of 1.5% per year. This means that by the age of 60, most women have lost 80% of their natural collagen levels.

How do the Revive Collagen products help with the decline in natural collagen production?

These figures really shocked me, and I’m sure they’ll shock you too! It is because of our body’s natural decline in collagen production that supplemental drinks, such as the Revive Collagen range, are so useful as they help to slow down the structural decline of the skin and other bodily components. By stimulating the creation of collagen and hyaluronic acid in our bodies, Revive Collage helps to decrease the speed of ageing.

The Vegan Revive Collagen Collection – How Is It Different?

I wanted to try the Vegan Revive Collagen liquid collagen supplement as soon as I heard about it. Having tried the Marine Collagen drink supplements before, I was intrigued by the vegan alternative, and eager to learn more about the product.

The First Clinically Proven Vegan Collagen

I want to start this Vegan Revive Collagen review by mentioning that this is the first clinically proven liquid vegan substitute for collagen that identically mimics human type 1 collagen.

What’s In the Vegan Revive Collagen Liquid Supplement?

Vegan Revive Collagen not only contains 2,500mg of plant-based scientifically formulated collagen that identically mimics human type 1 collage, it also contains a whole host of additional beneficial ingredients such as:

  • Panax Ginseng – Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Retinol (Vit A) – Known to promote skin renewal and enhance collagen production
  • Vitamin B6 – Used to reduce tiredness and fatigue that contributes to the function of the nervous system, as well as psychological function, and normal red blood cell formation
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin) – Known to stimulate keratin production to promote healthy hair, as well as contributing to the maintenance of normal hair and skin, along with the normal function of the nervous system
  • Vitamin C and D – Both vitamins offer antioxidant properties as well as being responsible for brightening the skin tone and reducing the signs of ageing. These vitamins also contribute to the normal production of collagen.
  • Vitamin E – Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Vegan Revive Collagen Review – My Thoughts on The Vegan Revive Collagen Liquid Supplement

Ready to know a bit more about what it’s like to actually buy and drink the Vegan Revive Collagen liquid supplement? Of course you are, so keep reading.

Vegan Revive Collagen Packaging

First thing first, let’s talk about how beautifully packaged the Revive Collagen products are. As you can see, the sleek design is very modern and elegant, which really does lend you to feel as though you are using an extremely luxurious product.

My Revive Collagen box came with two sliding boxes within, in total containing enough collagen supplements for 28 days. Within these boxes, the collagen sachets are arranged beautifully, and all the packing is made from cardboard, meaning that once I’ve run out of Revive Collagen sachets, I can then place the packing into the recycling bin.

Taking The Vegan Revive Collagen Liquid Supplements

There are two ways to take the Vegan Revive Collagen supplements.

  1. If you’re brave, you can open the sachet and drink it straight from the tube, squeezing the liquid up as you go.
  2. If you’re more like me, you can mix the Vegan Revive Collagen formula with some water or squash to make it slightly easier to drink.

I have taken the Revive Collagen Vegan Collection both ways, and I will say that taking it with some water, or even some squash, does make it a lot more palatable.

Revive Collagen states that the Vegan Collagen Collection is raspberry flavoured, and whilst I do appreciate that there are hints of raspberry within the liquid, it isn’t a pleasant tasting liquid.

I do feel that the taste is something that a person could get used to, and for the amount of collagen you get, and the absorption rate reported by Revive Collagen, it’s definitely worth finding a way to ingest the supplement that makes it a more enjoyable experience for you.

Although the taste is certainly acquired, I do have to point out that, for me, the Vegan Revive Collagen certainly tastes better than the Marine Collagen drink. I have found that the easiest way to take this supplement is to mix it with some squash and drink it down all in one go – a bit like taking a shot!

What happened when I drank one sachet of Vegan Collagen daily for a few weeks?

Once getting over the taste, I will say that the Vegan Revive Collagen does do exactly what it promises. My skin’s appearance improved greatly, and I found that I had brighter looking skin and the dark circles under my eyes were less visible. I also noticed that I suffered from fewer breakouts than usual, and when I did get the odd spot, they weren’t as sore as they usually are.

I also noticed that my hair was shinier and started to grow more. I dye my hair a lot and put it through all sorts of mistreatment in the way of dodgy at home haircuts and box dye, so when I started to notice it shine and ‘come back to life’ somewhat, I was extremely pleased. I also noticed that when I showered, there was significantly less hair plugging up the drain!

My nails also seem to be stronger and growing well. They appear to be shinier and have more strength, as well as growing faster and smoother than before.

Vegan Revive Collagen Review: Final Thoughts

Overall, I’m pleased with my results having taken the Vegan Revive Collagen for a couple of weeks.

My skin has improved the most and is now visibly clearer and brighter. I’ve even had comments from friends and family complimenting me on my clear skin and asking me what my secret is. You know that a skincare product is good when people start asking you to share your regime with them!

I would say that the Vegan Collagen Collection from Revive Collagen is just as good as their other products. If you’re searching for a collagen supplement that has a high absorbency rate, delivers on its promises, and is vegan friendly – I definitely recommend taking a look on the Revive Collagen website and getting your hands on some of their Vegan collection.

Rachael is a 31 year old mum to 10 year old Luke and 5 year old Oscar. She lives in England and writes about family life, crafts, recipes, parenting wins(and fails), as well as travel, days out, fashion and living the frugal lifestyle.

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