Luxury and Craft Chocolates That Could Replace The Traditional Easter Egg
The traditional Easter egg – you just can’t beat it. Or can you?
Easter is fast approaching and I’ve already seen that some supermarket stocks are running low. For the kids, I think the traditional Easter egg is a great idea. The Easter bunny comes, you go on a little egg hunt and at the end of it all, they get one of their favourite characters in chocolate form – I’m talking Paw Patrol Easter eggs in this house.
For the adults though? We don’t get to revel in the magical side of things. We’re the ones up at the crack of dawn hiding chocolate eggs in the shrubbery and then, a few hours later, regretting it all as sugar high kicks in.
As much as I love a good Maltesers Easter egg, sometimes I just fancy something a bit more special. Easter only comes round once a year after all – so why not treat yourself, your friends and your family to something a bit lavish this year?
Vegan Chocolate
I’ve already written about Choc Chic’s raw cacao chocolate making kit. These beauties are free from diary, sugar, and gluten and are suitable for vegetarians, vegans and coeliacs. They also taste exactly like the real thing. Even my son can’t tell the difference and happily chomps away on them, smug with himself because he’s got a nice little treat out of me. Little does he know!
With the rise in popularity of veganism, we have witnessed the increase of vegan and vegetarian friendly foods in the shops. I’m happy to say that this includes chocolate, with far more vegan friendly Easter eggs making an appearance on the shelves this year.
Craft Chocolate
We now live in a world where craft chocolate exists! If craft beer or craft coffee never quite floated your boat, perhaps craft chocolate is the thing for you. Craft Chocolate Online walks us through the complex and skilful art form of chocolate making – from the preparations and roasting of the cocoa beans, all the way through to the tempering, moulding, and storage of the craft chocolate. If you want to be the envy of your friends and family this year, some gorgeous craft chocolate will certainly give you the edge.
Luxury Eggs
The much beloved luxury egg. The chocolate of dreams: luxurious, decadent and superbly indulgent. The perfect evening treat you’ll be looking forward to when the kids are finally in bed.
In recent years, the price of these beauties has decreased, which now means that you can live the life of luxury without breaking the bank. I have seen beautiful luxury Easter eggs from as little as £5 in the shops, so really, there’s no question about it! The luxury range spans from ornately decorated pieces featuring piping and all the frills, through to gorgeous hand painted Belgian chocolate scenes. The luxury egg scene also includes vegan options. If you’re the ultimate chocolate fiend, you could even find yourself with an ostrich sized chocolate egg, crammed full of puffed rice and cookie chunks.
Alcohol Flavoured Eggs
Gin is a huge craze at the moment. Food developers everywhere are infusing gin with sweet flavours, and sweet flavours with gin. Sounds perfect to me! If you’re after a sophisticated luxurious egg just for adults, the white chocolate, handcrafted egg, flavoured with gin and lime tonic may be right up your alley. The same company, The Treat Kitchen, also makes strawberry and prosecco flavoured Easter eggs too.
Next year, when Baby Number 2 has made an appearance, I’m definitely going to get myself one of the gin and lime tonic Easter eggs. I think by then I will have earned it! What type of chocolate takes your fancy at Easter time? Are you a traditional type of person, or would you be interested in expanding your chocolately horizons and exploring the world of luxury and craft chocolate?
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*This is a collaborative post*