When Did You Grow Up?
Luke has been such a chatter box today, it’s crazy! When did my little baby go from gurgling and spitting up down my back to talking? All day he has been saying “who dat?”and “whats dat?” and it is kind of freaking adorable, folks. I still melt when he picks up my phone (more often than not) or his toy phone and starts talking into it and saying “hi”. It’s so high pitched and cute and glorious! Can you tell I am a first time mum?
I cannot wait for him to learn more words and sentences, his voice is adorable. It’s weird… hearing a voice for the first time. Obviously I have heard his voice, but…his voice talking!! Making real words. Forming sentences.
When I was pregnant, I always wanted to know what he’d look like. What colour would his eyes be? Would he have hair like mine, or hair like his dad’s? Would he inherit my pixie ears?
Not once did I stop and think about what he would sound like.
And that’s a shame, because he sounds adorable. But I suppose it makes everything that little bit more exciting, because it was something I never even thought about and then…it suddenly started happening! My mind is blown, I am having a real Proud Mummy moment. I am gushing, I am going “Hey, hey Jay, did you hear that, yeah?” every time Luke speaks. It’s so often now and so focused. He knows what he’s saying and why and he’s talking in mini sentences, whereas before it was just “hi” and “fish”.
I made this little boy. Who, incidentally, isn’t so little anymore. He’s tall! He’s really tall! When did he stop fitting in my lap? I made a small human – I made him and he was tiny and helpless and now he’s running and shouting and talking and singing.
I am so excited to start having conversations with my little man. I know most of you will say, “Oh it’ll get annoying…just wait for the ‘mum’, ‘mum’, ‘mum’ constantly.” I know I will get to that stage. I know that I will get irritated occasionally.
But for now, I truly and honestly cannot wait to be able to communicate on a whole new level with my baby.

So sorry think I might have just left half a comment! Lovely post! Really exciting as they start to grow up isn’t it? It’ll get even more wonderful as his voice grows and he can really express his personality!
Rachael Robinson
Not that I can see, only one comment, lovely. I am really glad you enjoyed it, it is wonderful! I am so excited for those days, I cannot wait. His voice might be the one thing in the world guaranteed to make my heart melt. xx
mummy Mess
What a lovely post and he so cute. They do grow up so fast, aren’t they? I had this moment the other day when Olivia just refuse my help in just about anything. 😉 xx
Rachael Robinson
They really do! I can’t believe he’s so independent and grown up now. He really is a little boy, rather than my baby. It’s strange to see. Oh gosh, that must be so wonderful but slightly depressing at the same time – time flies way too quickly. xx
The Plagued Parent
He is adorable! I don’t think I’ve ever really gotten annoyed by listening to my children babble…you seem like you won’t either! 🙂
Rachael Robinson
Thank you! No, I don’t think I will. It makes me feel so…squishy!! Thanks for reading. xx
It is so lovely when they start talking – I love listening to my little ones chattering away too. They do grow up far too quickly though, don’t they?
Rachael Robinson
It really is!! I can’t wait for him to natter some more. Honestly, it just feels like yesterday Luke was so small, he’d only fall asleep on me and I’d get awful cramp from sleeping in the same position all night. And now, he’s so tall and running around and it’s really hard to believe. xx
Susanne Remic
I have 4 children and I still love to hear their voices, have conversations with them and listen to their songs. It will only be annoying now and then. I’m sure he’ll continue to make you proud x x
Rachael Robinson
I am sure he will, I am just amazed by it! Thanks for reading xx
How lovely! Archie is 15 months old and I’m starting to really look forward to him coming out with words as right now I’m only used to baby chatter! Great idea for a post, it’s the little things heat make us so proud. x
Rachael Robinson
Oh how exciting! I remember Luke at the age, to be honest, I kinda wish he would stop growing up! He just started counting this evening – he actually said “one, two…three!” and I was amazed! Thank you for reading, lovely. xx
Karen Whitlock
Such a lovely post. I am constantly amazed at the conversations I have with my 3 year old – how has she turned into a chatterbox? You will find the same with Luke every month you review his progress. Thank you so much for sharing this on #SundayStars
Rachael Robinson
Aww, I can’t wait for him to turn into a little chatter box! It’s such an amazing experience. 😀 Thanks for reading xx