The Café Wonderland Coffee Range
I’ll put my hands up. I am a self confessed caffeine addict. I think coffee could actually be flowing through my veins instead of blood. Who knows? What I do know is that I need my morning coffee. I also know that, thanks to my other half, I am also a bit of a coffee snob (I’m a tea snob too – I’m awfully British like that!)
For my birthday back in April, as well as a trip to the New Forest Wildlife Park, I also got a brand new coffee maker. It’s nothing fancy, just a classic pour your coffee in, fill up the water jug and a few minutes later you’ve got enough coffee in your jug to give you ten cups of coffee. Perfect! Since acquiring said coffee maker, I have steadily been working my way through a variety of coffee brands and strengths.
I can honestly say that one of the best brands of coffee I have tried so far has been the new Café Wonderland range from UK Tea and Coffee.
The Café Wonderland Coffee Range
The Cafe Wonderland range comes from UK Tea and Coffee, a British company based in Richmond, who also happen to be the founders of Cafe Wonderland’s sister company: Mad Hatter Tea. The brand is heavily influenced by Lewis Carroll’s much loved ‘Alice In Wonderland’.
Being the greedy caffeine addict that I am, I chose three of the available coffees from the Cafe Wonderland range: Café Imperial, Café Columbian and Green Knight Fair Trade. I also received a few of the Mad Hatter Tea teabags in my order too.
As soon as I received my package in the post (a charming Mad Hatter Tea customised mail bag), I headed straight to the kitchen to try out the Café Columbian coffee. It is easily my favourite of all the coffees I received.

Café Columbian
The ground coffee just looked wonderful. It looked to be of a very high quality – a little bit chunky. Sometimes when you buy ground coffee, you’re presented with a sort of ‘coffee dust’ – there’s not much evidence of any real coffee beans in there. This stuff just looked perfect. You can tell it’s been lovingly sourced and packaged just by looking at it. If that wasn’t enough, the taste was amazing.
Unfortunately, chain coffee shops like Starbucks and Costa have somewhat ruined my ability to drink black coffee. They did this by introducing me to the world of caramel syrups. With that being said, even with the addition of milk and one sugar, this coffee tasted amazing.
I’d describe the taste as a little bit nutty and creamy, and it was wonderfully smooth. It also has notes of caramel in it, so obviously I was immediately won over. I’d definitely get this again, as would my other half who also preferred this to the other coffees we tasted.
Green Knight
Next on the list was the Green Knight coffee – a fabulous fair trade blend. It is a little bit richer than the Café Columbian blend, but not drastically so. It’s still the perfect coffee to enjoy socially during the day, with hints of toffee and, again, a little bit of caramel. This coffee is similar to the Café Columbian mix, but has just a little something extra to help get you through the day.
Café Imperial
This coffee is a very rich and dark roast, that’s absolutely full of flavour. I’m definitely a fan of smoother coffees, but my other half loves the stronger stuff. Personally, I think it was a bit much for me to drink casually, but it was a great morning kick-starter, and my other half was a big fan.
This coffee would suit a seasoned coffee drinker – someone who appreciates a good coffee without the addition of sugar and syrups and all those added extras that we have become accustomed to thanks to big name coffee brands. A mentioned, Café Imperial is a rich, dark roast. The blend also has a slightly fruity flavour, as well as hints of liquorice.
Mad Hatter Tea
Who doesn’t love a good cup of tea? I’m by no means an expert in tea, but the Mad Hater Tea infusion tastes delicious. I thought I’d try out a few tea bags from Café Wonderland’s sister brand, Mad Hatter Tea and I wasn’t disappointed.
Just like the coffee’s, the tea is beautifully packaged and tastes lovely. Although I am more of a coffee fan, I do like a nice cup of tea on a rainy day (like today!) and it’s definitely a brand worth keeping your eye out for.
The Café Wonderland brand is currently not yet available for retail which means I was lucky enough to get a sneaky couple of samples before they hit the stores. If you’re a tea and coffee lover, the products mentioned in this post are definitely worth keeping an eye out for! I think this brand is on the way up and I would recommend everyone to try some of their coffees in the range, as well as exploring their blends of teas. The taste and quality of these teas and coffees is gorgeous and the packaging that these drinks are expected to arrive in is certainly eye catching and charming. Overall, I am now a big fan of this brand and I can’t wait to be able to buy their products in the shops.
**I was sent products in exchange for a review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.**