Harmony Ball Pregnancy Necklaces: What Makes Them So Special?
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When I was pregnant with Oscar, Mikey bought me a gorgeous harmony ball necklace for Christmas. I was completely in love with it and thought it was such a beautiful, thoughtful gift for a pregnant woman. So much so, I included harmony ball necklaces in my Mother’s Day gift guide that year.
I’ve decided to write a blog post showcasing some fantastic and intricately designed harmony ball pregnancy necklaces that I’ve found, as well as explaining in more detail why they’re so special.
What are harmony ball pregnancy necklaces?
You may have seen harmony ball pregnancy necklaces floating around in your social media feeds, but if not, let me tell you more about them!
Harmony ball necklaces, also known as Angel Callers or Bola necklaces are a small pendant on the end of a long chain. They’re traditionally worn by pregnant women in many cultures and help mothers form a bond with their unborn baby.
The pendant contains a small bell that gently emits a chime, not too dissimilar from a wind chime, when the wearer moves. Thanks to the long chain or cord that the harmony ball pendant is attached to, the chime ends up resting nicely on your baby bump.
What makes harmony ball pregnancy necklaces special?
Building a bond with your unborn child is a really special and beneficial thing to do. The gentle chime that harmony balls emit with movement can be heard by your little boy or girl while they’re safely inside your womb. Just like your voice, the soothing sound of a harmony ball pregnancy necklace becomes a comforting noise.
Baby’s can hear outside noise from around the age of 16 – 20 weeks. The soft sound of harmony balls are said to help soothe the unborn baby and also be calming and beneficial for mums to be.
Harmony ball necklaces can help soothe your newborn baby!
Once your little one has entered the world, you’ll find that you spend hours trying to sooth and comfort your baby through the night. Sleep deprivation is one of the hardest things about having a newborn, but familiar sounds are known to help soothe and settle upset babies. Just like the soft sound of you singing lullabies or made up songs, the chime from harmony necklaces can also help distract and soothe babies who are struggling to settle.
It’s not uncommon for harmony ball necklaces to be passed on from mother to daughter, becoming a gorgeous heirloom brimming with sentimental value.

There are lots of different harmony ball necklace designs to choose from.
Just because the necklaces are commonly known as harmony ‘ball’ necklaces, don’t be fooled into thinking that they only come in one shape. Harmony ball necklaces can come in a variety of different shapes, like hearts, and they can be personalised or come with intricate designs.
I found a website, Le Petit Bola, who produce absolutely stunning harmony ball necklaces.
Situated in the south of France, where I very briefly lived as a teenager, the founders of Le Petit Bola started creating harmony necklaces in their living room. It was clear from the start that their harmony ball necklaces were something really special, as the living room just wouldn’t do any more, and they had to vastly expand their enterprise.
The team at Le Petit Bola go above and beyond to make your harmony ball necklace something incredible and sentimental. From personalised necklaces, which are a sweet way of combining the mother’s and father’s initials, to creating stunning pendants with semi precious stones, Le Petit Bola cater for all mums to be. See their website: www.lepetitbola.co.uk.
I really loved my harmony ball necklace and I’m so grateful to my other half for buying it for me.
My necklace was such a thoughtful gift and beautiful symbolic way of marking the beginning of something new. Oscar’s arrival meant Mikey shifting from a step dad to dad role within the house; it meant Luke becoming a big brother and it meant me becoming a mum of two boys. I know that my harmony necklace is something that I will keep for a long, long time. I love the idea that one of my boys might have a baby one day and I’d be able to pass this special heirloom down to their little family.
If you’re looking for something extra special and sentimental to gift your pregnant wife, girlfriend, daughter, best friend – harmony ball necklaces make an ideal gift for pregnant women.

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Sarah | Boo Roo and Tigger Too
I’ve not come across these before, but such a beautiful idea and would make a wonderful gift for any mum to be
What a great item! I didn’t even know jewelry aimed at pregnant women even existed! The quality looks great!
I think a piece of jewellery for any occasion is a special gift but for pregnancy, it is even more so. I do love the designs from this brand.
Mama Makes Do
What a lovely gift idea, I haven’t seen these before. Something a bit different as a present than the usual tons of baby clothes
Sarah Bailey
What a lovely item of jewellery – I love the idea of it as well! I bet it can be soothing for the person wearing it as well hearing it chime.
Marie Blake
Wow, I’ve never heard of these but they look lovely. They would also make a really special baby shower gift
Amy - All about a Mummy
I have never heard of these necklaces but they are stunning with and such a beautiful idea. I wish I had had one when I was pregnant.
Mellissa Williams
I love harmony ball necklaces and the idea behind them. I knew a little about them from having worked in the jewellery trade but it was interesting to find out a little more.
Tracey Kifford
This is lovely! I had a bola that I wore throughout my first pregnancy, but it was nowhere near as nice as this one
Jennifer Gladwin
I’ve never seen these before but they’re absolutely gorgeous! They’d make such a lovely gift x
Michelle Kellogg
I have never heard of these before but they sound really interesting. They are pretty too and I love the idea of a small chime-like sound emitting from it.
What a clever idea, it’s so lovely that the baby can pick up on the sound. So sweet xxx
I’ve never heard of these but they sure are pretty! What a unique but thoughtful gift x
I used to have a necklace like this when I was a student. I had no idea what they were for! I just loved the beautiful sound it made.
Chelle Dizon
I’m just sad that I didn’t know about this kind of necklace when I was pregnant before. That is so cool and makes a great gift idea for your preggy friends and family
Melanie williams
What a lovely idea and nice for gifting too.. these looks really pretty too xx
These are so pretty. I may have to treat my niece to one as she’s expecting her first baby <3
Louise x
I had one of these when I was pregnant with my youngest – such a lovely idea