Remembering Oscar’s Big Moments With Nested Fox Milestone Cards
Poor Luke didn’t have milestone cards during his first year. I don’t think they were such a big ‘thing’. I’m sure they existed, but I never saw any on social media or in the shops. Fast forward 5 years to Oscar’s birth and first few weeks/months and milestone cards are a big deal. Instagram is full of new mammas and papas celebrating their baby’s big moments through beautifully designed milestone cards.
There are loads on the market, but my favourite set so far has to be from Nested Fox.
A little bit about the Nested Fox Milestone Cards
When new mum, Kristen, was looking for a set of milestone cards, she found that most of them were too gender specific or left out exciting firsts and occasions. Undeterred by the lack of variety, she decided to make her own set of milestone cards…and thus, Nested Fox was born! As far as Kristen is aware, her milestone cards gift set is the largest and most comprehensive milestone set available on the market today. The Nested Fox set features 50 cards; meaning it includes 8 more cards than other sets do, as they usually total out at 42 cards per set.
Unique and Inclusive
Some milestone card packs contain the cards “9 months in/9 months out”. This obviously represents the date that you were 9 months pregnant and your baby’s 9th month in the big wide world. The problem with that is that it alienates a lot of mums because, if you’re a parent yourself, you’ll know that not every baby is born during their 9th month. The Nested Fox collection includes cards that enable you to enter your own numbers. For example, if you delivered at 39 weeks, you would use that card when your baby was 39 weeks old. It’s simple really and includes all mothers and babies! Also included are 5 personalised cards for you to record your own special moments on.
Stylish Design
A lot hinges on the design aspect when it comes to milestone cards. Parents want something that stands out and suits their baby’s emerging personality. Nested Fox milestone cards have been lovingly designed in gender neutral tones to include all children. The cards are printed with laminated matte finish which feels really luxurious and special – they’d definitely make a great gift for new parents.
Growing Tree Motif
The age cards, which run through weeks 1-4, 1-11 months and ‘My First Birthday’ all feature a cute tree motif that grows with your baby. From the tiny beginnings, your little tree grows and finally flourishes into a colourful 1st birthday tree. It’s really cute to watch the motif become more colourful as the months go on, it’s the perfect metaphor for your baby’s little personality developing! I think this is a beautiful idea and is one of my favourite things about the set. It’s lovely that Kristen has included tiny little details like this in the card collection and really shows the amount of thought and love she’s put into her work. It also adds a real feeling of sentiment as time goes on.
The Milestones
Kristen found that when she browsed other milestone card collections on the market, they seemed to lack some of the crucial milestones and firsts. The first year or so of a child’s life is special and we should be able to celebrate every moment – that includes their first Halloween’s and Christmases or the first time they receive a haircut – even things like their extra loved favourite toy. The point of milestone cards is to enable you to look back and reminisce, so you shouldn’t leave any of the extra important details out.
Recording Dates and Memories
As well as being able to record the date your little bundle of joy first achieved his or her milestone, Nested Fox milestone cards also offer an area on the back of the cards where you can record special memories and notes. Imagine that you were at a big family event and your little one rolled over for the first time! You could record everything you felt in the moment, the people who were with you and your location on the back of the card. No special moment should go un-celebrated.
Extra Special Features
If by now you’ve have cottoned onto the fact that Nested Fox cards really are something special, then prepare to be converted. The Nested Fox milestone cards come in a protective yet stylish keepsake box which allows you to write your baby’s name, date and time of birth, weight and the place of birth on the inside. There are some fabulous unique cards that I’ve never seen anywhere else before, including ‘My First Playdate’ and ‘My First Flight’ as well as some less common ones such as ‘My First Time Swimming’. There are also holiday occasion cards for ‘My First Halloween’, ‘My First Christmas’ and ‘My First New Years’. There is even a ‘Can’t Wait To Meet You’ card that mums-to-be can have a photo taken with, as well as a selection of cards that cover the very first few days: ‘My First Day At Home’, ‘My First Bath’ and ‘Hello World’. As I mentioned earlier, this collection is comprehensive and covers everything you could possibly want to remember. However, if you’re dying to record a special achievement and you can’t find the right card to commemorate it with, Nested Fox milestone cards also include 5 personalised cards with space to record your own memories including your baby’s favourite toy & book; as well as ‘Today I___’, ‘My first___’ and ‘I love___’.
Nested Fox Milestone Cards Are Awesome
This is a great collection of cards that really encapsulate what all new parents are looking for. It’s packed full of milestones, from the expected to the brand new and unique ones; the design is gender neutral, gorgeous and stylish; the cards are inclusive so no matter when your baby was delivered, there’s still a card for you and they feature areas where you can record your own special memories. What more could you ask for? These would make an absolutely amazing gift for pregnant mums or mums with young babies – don’t forget to mention that special ‘Can’t Wait To Meet You’ card if you are gifting to a mum who’s about to pop!
Where Can I Buy?
These milestone cards are available to buy on Amazon and on the Nested Fox website. The website has the cards marked at £14.99, however, if you’re quick, you can grab yourself a bargain from Amazon and buy them for only £12.99.
*I was gifted the Nested Fox milestone cards in return for an honest review. All thoughts and photos are my own.
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Milestone cards are very in and they’re so sweet, reminds me I need to get some for my friend for her baby shower gifts. Makes it handy for at a later date remembering when these things happened exactly and snapping it too.
lauren porter
I love these – there are so many that are totally different to the normal ones on the market. I also like that they’re gender neutral 🙂
Amy - all abour a Mummy
Milestone cards were’n’t around when I had my two. Gutted as they make such great memory shots.
Sarah Stockley
I wish they had these milestone cards when mine were babies (I also wish I had been an instagram user then! I would have loved these as markers in photos, these ones are great designs.
Rebecca Jones
these are really cute – and I love that there are ones that you can personalise too. None of my friends are pregnant at the moment but I’ve pinned for later.
Kacie Morgan
These are a great way of marking special occasions and important dates. A lovely keepsake to cherish forever!
Sonia Cave
They are beautiful and I Love the fact you can add details to them. There were no cards around when my three were small as I think I would have loved to use them
AnnettE, 3 Li Buttons
How cute are those milestone cards! I wish we knew about these when mine was little. I can think of someone that would adore these! Off to investigate further
I love milestone cards. Pinning for later.
Emma Raphael
They are just gorgeous (so is your little one!). Love that they are gender neutral too. They weren’t around at all when I had my toddler in Germany (almost 3 years ago now), but I wish they had been!
Rachel evans
Aww lovely. I wish I had used milestone cards with my children x
I have been seeing milestone cards for a couple years now and hope to use them too when I have kids in the future
Rhian westbury
These little cards are so adorable and so nice to put alongside your photos x
Tracey Kifford
I love these milestone cards. I wish they were around when my two were babies as I’d definitely have used them. Might make my own teenage set – for pure humiliation of course (first time I made my bed etc)!
These milestone cards we not around that i saw either 7 plus years ago. I wish they were as I would have used them. It’s a lovely way of keeping track of their early childhood.
Claire Rocks
these milestone cards are brilliant. I wish they were around when my older children were babies. Such a sweet way to record milestones.
In just four years so much has changed in the world of babies! I would have loved these when the girls were little – just gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
Cath - BattleMum(Passports and Adventures)
They certainly are the most comprehensive set of milestone cards I’ve ever come across. I didn’t have them when my son was born and really wish I did. I see so many amazing milestone pictures with cards and I don’t have any of my son. You’ll no doubt capture some very special moments with that set!
I do like the design on them as they look like a very good idea
kerry norris
Aww those ones are cute. I’ve not heard of them before. Great that theres 50 in there. Some of the small ones only have about 12
Aww these cards are so gorgeous and such a nice way to remember things and put a fun visual date in the photo – such a great idea
Laura x
I love milestone cards! They are such a lovely idea, I need to pick up some myself! I love these ones from Nested Fox, as they’re a bit different to many others I’ve seen x
Lukeosaurus And Me
These ones are gorgeous, aren’t they? I love them.
awww lovely update on your beautiful boy. The milestone cards are so cute X #coolmumclub
Lukeosaurus And Me
Thank you! They’re gorgeous, aren’t they?
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
These cards are so lovely and I really wish I’d had them for my 3 kids! #coolmumclub