Swift, Sure-fire Ways to Elevate Your Mummy Style
#AD/Collaborative post.
Most mums agree that life is pretty busy with kids. The majority of mornings are spent preparing packed-lunch boxes, feeding babies, changing nappies, getting older children washed and dressed, and much, much more.
As such, style tends to take a back-seat. After all, who has the time to focus on appearance when time is so limited? Thankfully, there are a few ways you can raise your style game in a matter of minutes.
Embracing your style the quick way
Firstly, it’s important to emphasise that appearance shouldn’t add to your stress levels. There’s no pressure to be perfect, and the only reason to inject some style is if you feel it would be beneficial. In short, do what works for you!
Here’s how to feel more self-confident and fashionable, without trying too hard.
Love what you’ve got.
This is vital. Most mother’s bodies are different to how they were before kids – but that’s okay! You still look fabulous, and you’re also a superwoman for producing and raising such fantastic children. Celebrate what nature gave you, and learn to focus on the bits of your body that you love the best.

Make-up hacks.
No-one has the time (or inclination) to spend half an hour putting on make-up. Here are some clever cosmetic hacks to make it take a fraction of the time:
- Mix moisturiser and foundation. Mix moisturiser and foundation into a pot, to apply each morning. Voila, a smoother complexion and hydration, with minimal effort. Result!
- Bronzer or blusher. This takes approximately five seconds to apply, and immediately gives your face colour and contour.
- Tinted lip-balm or gloss. Skip the lipstick. It’s too much hassle to apply lip-liner, and lipstick often bleeds throughout the day. A tinted lip-gloss or balm will add a dash of colour, and leaves your lips looking plump and full.

Shower-time is planning time.
When you’re in the shower, think ahead to what you could wear that day. Then, you’ll be able to reach for the exact clothes you need (in just a minute or so), rather than staring at your wardrobe for ages, wondering what on earth you’ll wear.
Hair tips.
If you haven’t got time to wash your hair, simply tie it back in a high ponytail. This is a great look for making you look more awake and alert! If you’re washing your hair, use a shampoo and conditioner that smooths away frizzy ends. This means less effort when styling.
Spray on the perfume.
Scent is one of the first things people notice about you. As such, never forget to spray on a bit of your favourite fragrance. Sites like Copycat Fragrances have scents that are inspired by designer perfumes, so they’re worth checking out if you’re working to a budget.
Accessories are the fastest way to switch up your look. A neck-scarf totally transforms a simple vest-top, for example; and a belt adds interest to an otherwise bland pair of trousers.
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