A step by step guide on making cats from toilet rolls by lukeosaurusandme.co.uk

How To: Toilet Roll Cats

Luke is obsessed with cats. Every morning when he wakes up, he frantically looks around his bed until he finds an old Snow Leopard toy I bought years ago from Marwell Zoo when me and his dad were still together. Once he’s found it, the biggest grin spreads across his whole face and then a deafening “CAT!!!”

A step by step guide on making cats from toilet rolls by lukeosaurusandme.co.uk

If you’re a regular here, you’ll know just how crazy this obsession is. You may remember me freaking out on Twitter and Facebook about how to make a cat shaped birthday cake back in August (it turned out RUBBISH by the way!)

It stands to reason that a cat obsessed toddler wants cat related things so I thought incorporating cats into our craft sessions would satisfy his need and save me money on buying cat-tat!

As ever, I have a million and one TP roll waiting to be crafted with.

Let me introduce you to “caaaaaaaattttttttt, it’s a cat, catttt” (official name).

How To Make A Cat From Toilet Rolls by lukeosaurusandme.co.uk

These are SO CUTE. I honestly love them just as much as Luke and they were loads of fun and very simple to make.

How To: Toilet Roll Cats

  1. Take your tp roll and give it a good lick of paint.
  2. Fold the top edge into the middle of the TP roll on one side, the do the same on the other. This gives it the cat ear shape.
  3. Finally, grab a marker and draw on a cats face and belly – you can really add some cool patterns to the tummy, but we kept it simple with a few loops.
  4. Turn the TP Cat round and draw on a little stripy tail, and you’re done.

A Step by Step guide on How To Make A Cat From Toilet Rolls by lukeosaurusandme.co.uk


Want to make something birthdays or Christmas? Fold the bottom of the toilet roll the same way as you folded the top and you’ve made yourself a cute little kitty-cat gift box! 

border-emeraldIf you’ve enjoyed reading this post, how about checking out some other crafty posts or How To’s – for example, my How To: Play Room Name Decor Hack, or How To: Halloween Bats Craft posts.

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Rachael is a 31 year old mum to 10 year old Luke and 5 year old Oscar. She lives in England and writes about family life, crafts, recipes, parenting wins(and fails), as well as travel, days out, fashion and living the frugal lifestyle.


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